At Leisure Lake the sun is always shining and only a few stray clouds roam the open sky; paradise is the one word that really describes it. This beautiful lake is clean and refreshing, the very best place to swim and fish. Pups are known to play here while older wolves watch at the side, engaged in their own activities.


;;to put yourself b a c k t o g e t h e r [paxten]

\\ young adult / maiden / Aurora Borialis / no love \\

a shell of her former self. that is all the girl is, the one who treads on the sand with no destination. a gait once lively and always excited now drags. an amber gaze that once shone with the fire that burned in her soul is now dull and lifeless. it's not as if she had never lost before, 'cause trust me she had, but this time was different. this time broke her. now she had not just lost a mother and a home, now she had lost her brother and her best (and only) friend as well. in other words, she had lost her purpose in life. the only two things that she really, truly, unconditionally loved and they were taken from her. last time, when she had lost her mother, she had gone back to being the peppy little girl she had always been. this time, though, i'm not sure she will ever be the same. with a heart so shattered as hers, how can it hold love?

and so the lass moved on to wherever her feet took her. it had begun to drizzle, quickly becoming a full on rain, but this failed to phase her. the water only served to further sodden her already damp cheeks along with the rest of her matted brown pelt. a sharp sound met her towers and she swung her head lazily to the side to see nothing more than two birds fighting. her gaze its self was rather dead as if amber could tarnish, that would be the way they looked. her cranium swung back to its original position and she plodded on her way again. the rain made the sand on which she trod very slippery and the girl nearly fell on more than one occasion. still she just kept walking as if nothing happened, nothing changed.

she was nearing a sharper curve in the shore and there was a sudden change in her step. well, really it was more of a falter, i suppose. then she abruptly veered off of her course. her meandering pace brought her slowly to the water's edge. she paused just above the tide's grasping reach. almost hesitantly, the young ess dipped first one, then the other paw into the icy liquid. it must have been a strange sight for any passerby, a young unkempt little wolf staring curiously at her own two paws. now that the girl had her front paws submerged, she sat low on her haunches. very suddenly, her bodice began to tremble violently. she just sat there, letting the shivers and sobs rack her and the tears stream down her face. her emotions must have built up or something because in the next moment, a tortured howl ripped from her ragged throat. when finally her lungs held no more air to continue the cry, the small timber wolfess collapsed into the tide.

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