At Leisure Lake the sun is always shining and only a few stray clouds roam the open sky; paradise is the one word that really describes it. This beautiful lake is clean and refreshing, the very best place to swim and fish. Pups are known to play here while older wolves watch at the side, engaged in their own activities.


Til im not breathings

Lightning's dodged Black Water's attack and growled turning to Roni. "Think you can bring your friends and think they can beat your family? Roni babe you got a messed up mind." he growled. He looked at the other four. "Get them. Hold them down. Esme, take care of Roni will you?"

Blade half dodged. His ear tore and he smelled his blood. He snickered and snarled back. Showing his blood tip stained teeth. "Come at me again and ill personally make you watch me snap you pups necks!" he snarled and lunged at Calla. If he hit he would crash into her side and bite down and shake his head. Then go into a frenzy if he tasted the blood. If he half missed his fangs would graze her side. If he missed he would go crashing into the brush.

Abe watched growling as he stood in front of Channing. "Abe, leave!" she growled. If she had a tail, it would be lashing.
Abele lunged at Red Claw.

Jake Claw and Esme ganged up on Roni. Roni snarled and watched Esme and Jake circle her. Jake closer then Esme his fur brushing Roni's. Roni growled. Jake smirked. "I got this Esme. Go to another wolf." he said. Roni gulped. Out of all them Jake was better at Blood drinking then any of them. Jake smirked and looked at Roni. "What's wrong bitch? No one can save you now. Once I'm done with you you'll want me." he said.
Roni growled. Leave me." she said.
Jake nipped at her rump and pulled her towards him by her scruff. Keeping her still. He brought her to the ground and pinned her. Jake was also the most perverted. Roni growled as Jake ran his tongue and muzzle along her body.


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