At Leisure Lake the sun is always shining and only a few stray clouds roam the open sky; paradise is the one word that really describes it. This beautiful lake is clean and refreshing, the very best place to swim and fish. Pups are known to play here while older wolves watch at the side, engaged in their own activities.


*hides behind tree*

Fallen Flame yelled out, Uncle Light is here to help momma Horizon said! She smiled proudly, chest puffing up. She knew Horizon only talked to her.

Black Water licked Roni. Just eat those. Calla will be ok. Black Light just said so. He nuzzled into her white neck, breathing in her beautiful perfume.

Marionna stood next to Channing. I'm Marionna, Black Light's mate. You are? She smiled at Channing, trying to be cool about Calla's limp form.

Calla was in a forest again. It wasn't wolf heaven. It wasn't really anything. A red wolf popped out from some trees. It was Aldebaran. We meet once again, sister. I am not bad any more. I gave you Fallen Flame. She has my coat and my spirit. I have a feeling Ruhani's pup that has Ivy's spirit in it will become good friends with Fallen Flame who has my spirit. He grinned, exposing his canines. Go back now. I love you guys. Sorry I turned evil. Calla nuzzled the fluffy fur around his fiery neck. I love you too. Then everything faded back to real life. Her eyes flew open. Calla tried to stand up, but she got overwhelmed by dizziness and fell over again. Fallen Flame has Aldebaran's spirit! Her voice rasped at Roni. And Ruhani's pup Skeletor has Ivy's! She knew that they had no idea who she was talking about. Concussions weren't fun.


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