A wide river dominates this section of the forest. Romance is in the air, and wolves of all ages come to search for their mate.


Watching, Maybe Waiting (Open)

The breeze ruffled the fea's light ginger fur. The look in her hazel eyes was a mixture of disgust and longing. November had been sunning herself on a wide rock in the middle of the river. New to the area of Blossom Forest she didn't know that the place she had chosen was smack dab in the middle of Romance River. As other feas threw themselves at brutes November watched from a distance. Her mind held a mixture of thoughts about the love sick wolfs' behaviour, varying from it being a waste of time to just plain stupid. But very faintly in the back of her mind a small thought said "Could that be me someday? Happy and in love?" After the tragedies that had made her come to Blossom Forest she was doubtful. But maybe she just had to find the right wolf.....
And so she watched. Maybe waiting. Maybe eternally damned to be alone forever.

  • The Wait Is Over -
    First Sight -
    First Bite -

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