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Bio Sheet
* denotes mandatory field
*Name: make sure it’s not already in use!
*Age: 0 – 25
*Gender: Male / Female

*Eye Color: be specific, and don’t be afraid to get creative!
*Appearance: must include height, weight and a detailed description of both their fur coloration and body type; include defining scars, etc here

Personality: feel free to skip, but this can be a good way to ‘introduce’ them!
History: what brings them to moladion? not mandatory but a fun way to explore your character!

Can imprint? important: you can only change imprintability status once unless ability is lost through ‘natural’ means

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What is the required ‘word minimum’ of Lunar Children?

New players must supply a sample post.
The sample post doesn’t need to be long but must abide the minimum word count. It’s also a great opportunity to introduce your character to other players and get to know the character yourself!

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Light up the Darkness

NAME: Dusk

AGE: 12

GENDER: Female

EYE COLOR: Dark, forest green

APPEARANCE: Dusk has always been a smaller female only standing about 27 in tall at the shoulder and is about 70 lbs. She is a mix of a Mackenzie Valley Wolf and a Great Plains Wolf but does not seem to have much of her larger wolf heritage. Dusk was the runt of the litter as such she was always doomed to be small. Dusk has a petite frame and is thin, but not unhealthily so. She has always been the smallest of her kin but may be normal size for a female wolf of her breed. She has always thought of herself as small as her parents and siblings are fairly large.

Dusk's coat has always been a mix of her parents. The main color is black, a deep black like that of a moonless night that engulfs most of her frame. But there is light upon her in the color of tan points along her muzzle and cheeks. Each of her legs carries the tan marks given to her by her sire and there is a bit of tan along her underside and tail tip. If one were to look closely, they could also see a slight peppering of gray along her back that she received from her mother. Her fur is average length and is soft to the touch. It thickens in the fall and sheds in the spring so Dusk is never too hot or too cold.

PERSONALITY: Dusk is a gentle and kind wolf who loves nothing more than helping the ones she loves and cares about. As a healer, Dusk feels that it is her duty to aid any wolf in need and will do all she can to help. While she has a strong sense of morals, Dusk is a quiet wolf who doesn't often speak loud or against others. She finds it easier to sit back and watch things unfold before her before jumping to conclusions. A silent observer. Even though she is a great healer and loyal to a 'T', Dusk lacks self-confidence and often finds herself falling short because of that. Never one to go against a leader, Dusk is a submissive wolf who would not dream of telling another wolf what to do unless it was absolutely necessary.

HISTORY: Dusk was a high ranked wolf within the old empire of Trenus before the meteor hit. She had two pups who did not survive the impact and found her mother, Jaye, and was able to help her to safety. Now she travels with Jaye, helping the old blind wolfess, until they can find a place to call home together.

As the night creeps on, Dusk continues to drift in and out of sleep as she tries to find a more comfortable position in her den. She has brought fallen pine tree branches full of soft pine needles and dead leaves into the back of her den in the hopes that they would make her nights better. But they do not help as much as she would like and she is forced to sleep as much as she can before having to wake up, turn over, and find a better position. Why would a wolf do such a thing? Simple, Dusk was pregnant with her first ever litter of pups. She could feel them move at times as she slowly grew bigger and bigger and it was because of this Dusk was having a hard time sleeping. She was not used to her large belly or to the small lives that were slowly growing within.

Dusk had only just fallen asleep after moving a bit when the howl woke her. At first she thought it was Heyel, but the howl sounded so scared and helpless that she was certain it wasn't him. Well, whoever it was they needed help and it wasn't like she was getting any sleep anyways. With a grunt, Dusk pulled herself up and padded outside in the moonlight. She could hear voices coming from close by, outside the alpha's den? Dusk shook herself to rid her clouded mind of the sleepiness and made her way towards the voices. Once there, she gasped in surprise to see Heyel and a pup she had not met before sitting around Zeivah. As Dusk approached, she could tell something was wrong, terribly wrong. Zeivah was like a statue in the night, staring with empty eyes up at the moon. Dusk padded forward, pushing her way past the males without saying a word.

She looked her alphess up and down, checked that she was breathing and that she was not bleeding anywhere. Everything seemed to be okay with her physically, but there was something wrong with her mentally. This was not normal, anyone could see that. But what was happening? Something about this situation seemed familiar, but she couldn't quite think of what. She could remember Moonglow telling her that there are times when a wolf could simply shut down due to stress or...or...what else. She turned to Heyel, all thoughts of being formal gone as she tried to assess the situation. "Have you noticed her acting strangely before this? Has she been eating or getting enough...sleep..."

Sudden realization hit Dusk like a brick and without another word she bolted away back to her den. Once there she rummaged through or small supply of herbs until she pulled out some Thyme that had dried over the months. It was her last supply until spring, but this was an emergency and she needed to use all of it on Zeivah. It would be a bit harsh as this was more than enough for a single wolf, but the alphess needed it now more than ever. Dusk had remembered what Moonglow had said about wolves that were too stressed. They lacked the right amount of sleep and as such their bodies and minds simply shut down, becoming motionless and unresponsive. "The Waking Sleep" is what Moonglow had called it. The dark female rushed out of her den and back to where her distressed pack mates were waiting. She placed the herb at Zeivah's paws and dashed off again, without a word. Luckily the tree she was looking for grew in abundance in Trenus, the White Pearless tree, whose petals and bark had a foul smell to them. She approached the tree and peeled off the rancid bark, whining at the sharp scent that oozed from the bark.

She trotted back and quickly placed the bark under the alpha female's nose. Dusk hopped that Zeivah wasn't so far gone that not even this scent would wake her. She waited in silence with the others to see if she would wake up from her trance like state. Dusk hoped this worked...she couldn't think of anything else to do for her leader other than what her younger "sister" from Solevion had told her all those years ago. She would have to travel back to the mountain and thank Moonglow. But for now, she focused on Zeivah and waited to see if there was any sign of life.

HOW DID YOU FIND US? Been here for years. You're not going to get rid of me that easily.
OOC: Chant

Light Up the Darkness
{Twelve} {Imprinted by none} {Mate of none} {Loner}

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