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Each character must be joined in their own, separate thread.
Once posted, Staff will post to Approve the character. If there is anything that needs to be changed, Staff will let you know!

Bio Sheet
* denotes mandatory field
*Name: make sure it’s not already in use!
*Age: 0 – 25
*Gender: Male / Female

*Eye Color: be specific, and don’t be afraid to get creative!
*Appearance: must include height, weight and a detailed description of both their fur coloration and body type; include defining scars, etc here

Personality: feel free to skip, but this can be a good way to ‘introduce’ them!
History: what brings them to moladion? not mandatory but a fun way to explore your character!

Can imprint? important: you can only change imprintability status once unless ability is lost through ‘natural’ means

OOC Name:
Where can we contact you? Discord, deviantArt, etc.
Have you read, and agree to abide by, the rules?
What is the required ‘word minimum’ of Lunar Children?

New players must supply a sample post.
The sample post doesn’t need to be long but must abide the minimum word count. It’s also a great opportunity to introduce your character to other players and get to know the character yourself!

Return to Lunar Children



we shall find peace
we shall see angels}
Name: Amaterasu
Age: Five years
Gender: Female

Eye Color: Her eyes are a myriad of reflecting colors, blues, greens, navy, and tiny flecks of white through each color to make them more brilliant. There are flecks of violet strewn through her irises, giving them a more seductive hint.

Appearance: She comes in at 35 inches, and weighs about 105lbs. She has a light dusting of the cinnamon color rimming the corners of her eyes. There is also a thin horizontal strip under each eye. She has a cinnamon marking that starts at her nose and continues up her nose, it grows bigger on her forehead and then narrows back to and goes until the back of her head, there is a white splotch in the bigger area on the forehead. There are two lines starting just under her scruff that look almost like a necklace but aren’t connected. Two more stripes start at her shoulders and run halfway down her side. Two smaller thicker ones curve around each hip. Her base coat is white. She has a lean bodice, touched over with her father’s light, well-packed muscles, though her mother’s own body frame helps to smooth them out. She is finely crafted for speed and agility, able to race with the fastest, and turn on a dime. Don’t let this deceive you, however, should you pick a fight with her she can be a strong wolf.

Personality: to be written

History: ----

Imprinting Ability: clings to: Zildjian.

Sample: As she traces her patterns in the creek, Liah feels her ears turn back at the soft sound of pawsteps behind her. She hears his voice, so strong at first, a distant rumble of thunder from a storm long passed. Then, as soft as that thunder is as it dies on the winds she hears the familiar voice say the words she wished to hear above all else. Her tail wags, though she doesn't turn around, and a few more droplets of water are added to the creek at her ivory paws. Her father, long since gone, and now returned. Emotions rip through her heart, leave her shattered, broken again, and raw, all rush her at once. I remember. Two small words with so much meaning behind them, it nearly swallows the poor girl that second.

There is a war within her, a raging tempest of bitter anger and sweet rejoicing. She is undure which side to feed for a moment, but rationalization reaches out across her chaotic mind. He could have had it worse. After her mother died, he had been a different wolf, with Lurid. She is grateful to the female, don't get her wrong, but something about the tiny minx had rubbed Liah the wrong way.

Now, though, after a few seconds of silence that seemed to stretch out for eons between them, Liah realizes he is finally reaching out to her. She is unable to keep herself from moving, and with a choked sob, she turns, fast as white lighting in a hurricane. Her body is rushing to him, and she lands with a thud against his chest, eyes pressed tightly shut against an onslaught of tears, her head buried deep in the creamy fur of his chest.

Her tail is rejoicing behind her, happiness floods her mind, and all she can smell is her father. He remembers her and it is all she has ever wanted of him. "Daddy, I have missed you so much!" She exclaims, talking straight into his heart, her voice thick with emotions she cannot begin to describe. "So much has happened, Daddy, and through it all I thought I was alone. But, you're back, and you remember and I am so happy, Daddy!" She is shaking now, her speech muffled with unshed tears, and with his fur.

He had found her, and he remembered her, and things are finally looking up. After five long years of searching, she has her father back. After feeling alone and abandoned he is back, and she cannot be angry at him any longer, she cannot be bitter with him. Not when all she wanted was him to come back, to want her, to show her he wanted her.

She presses against him as a scared child would their only teddy bear in the middle of a vicious storm, clinging to the only wolf she has ever known in her memories. It cannot be controlled, her joy at seeing him, her hope that he truly did remember her.

Rules read? Like 5 million times lol
Word Minimum: 200
How did you find us? LOL you guys are funny ^_^

OOC name: Apollymi


female. 3 years. hooked on no one. enslaved by Zildjian. Trenus.
{you shall fly with me
and we shall eat like kings}

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