Misty Mountain is opposite of Rainbow Cliff. Mists hover year-round at this high altitude, mistaken by some to be thin clouds. Thin layers of snow cover the mountain, making some areas slippery and hazardous.

Some think it romantic, a place to bring their mates, while others come to play and romp. However, all must agree that there is some level of mystery and spookiness hovering about with the mists...


Become one with Russia, da?

A thin smile played on Ivan's lips seeing as her head was still slightly tilted in confusion. They held each others stares for a moment as he contemplated his next action. She obviously didn't understand his native tongue, which wasn't surprising, buy could still be advantageous.

He stifled a small laugh as he noted the slight glaze on her eyes and the way she swayed slightly on her feet. It was cute, and continued to look at her with subtly flirtatious traces of lust in his ever expressive eyes. It also reminded him of someone saying something , something about Russians and their hidden charms that were irresistible they were to those who weren't used to them.  He giggled darkly at the concept of just how right they were. 

Snapping back into the moment, he began calculating the meaning of her simplistic response. So she came here for the cold? This was barely chilly to him, but he wasn't from here. He grinned with a tinge of pride, and spoke a bit louder, stressing his deep accented vowels.

You came for the cold, da? I'd completely agree, comrade, but for the fact that this isn't really...

He trailed off, a flash of fear crossing his eyes before, he turned his head. Trying to just make it seem like he just needed to quickly look about before finishing his sentence.

But when he turned back to her, they were still there, a light covering of red stained, yellow petals. A red pool was growing slowly from beneath her, engulfing more of the white powder with every passing second. He closed his eyes, growling out menacingly in Russian.

Она умрет. Они все будет. Но кто-то должен идти первым!1

Evil and fiery eyes opened, swirling with violet rage. His muscles tensed and fur bristled, brining him to almost twice his size. And he started back towards her with long dramatic strides, until there was barely any space between them. A cruel grin spread insanely wide in his face, and he spoke again in English, tone rich and just above a whisper.

Become one with Mother Russi-


He screamed, cutting himself off as he turned and ran a few paces away from her. Breathing hard, he stared helplessly at the snow infront of him. 

Что вы детаете Ivan! Ты в порядке. Выпрямиться, и вернуться. 2

And with his words, he stood tall once again and turned back to the fey with his eyes just as calm as before. Trotting forward, he smiled easily, as if nothing had ever happened.

What was I saying? And you have a name, da?


1. She will die. They all will. But someone needs to go first!

2. What are you doing Ivan! Your fine! Straighten up and go back.


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