Carden Alvar Nature Board by Bob BowlesRe(1): The wheels on the bus...

Mark Spurr, of Quaker Oaks store and animal sanctuary on the Monck Road, also drives a school bus. Here, with Mark's permission, is yesterday's Facebook report:
One thing I'm always thankful for, are those moments with mom, back home. We always had binoculars on the living room window sill. The birds would come to our yard, mom took care of them. The migration was something I always knew of.
For some time now, this winter, I have been having an affair..... with a bird! On my voyage up the Victoria Road, this winter, I have spotted the same big bird, perched on the same trees, on this same sparse plain.
I have been working on a papier mache bowl, with birds. My bird book gives reference. It takes me back home. All of a sudden I remember that binoculars and Audubon are invaluable.
Today, I took those same binoculars on my bus and I verified that my new best friend is a Rough Legged Hawk. I'm so happy!


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