Just Give Me A Reason (SuniiDii only) - " />

Misty Mountain is opposite of Rainbow Cliff. Mists hover year-round at this high altitude, mistaken by some to be thin clouds. Thin layers of snow cover the mountain, making some areas slippery and hazardous.

Some think it romantic, a place to bring their mates, while others come to play and romp. However, all must agree that there is some level of mystery and spookiness hovering about with the mists...


Just Give Me A Reason (SuniiDii only)

 photo Aurora_zps46660c28.jpg

White fur blew in the morning breeze as the feya slept in a dug out den. It was under the trunk of a tree, and what held it together was it's big roots which could break at any moment. Any sudden movements and Aurora would of been killed. Her black tipped ears swiveled several different ways, from nowanting to fight the strong wind. Her banner laid by her side, it speckled with grey while her maw laid on her front paws. They were not colored ivory, but a deep shade of ebony. Finally, she couldbn't handle trying to get a second more of sleep.

Tired looking grey-blue eyes were shown were shown from behind delicate ivory eyelids. A yawn concealedd them once again, for sleepiness still waved over her. Aurora didn't want to get up, because the lass didn't get much sleep through the cold and windy night. Just her journey here was cruel.

*The storm made her vision blurry and her hearing was affected as well. From the constant whirs from the wind, to the shrieks it gave. It only happened here; the other areas she passed through just had a thick fog. Aurora had to find a spot to rest for the night. BAM. Aurora looked up to the source that would probably leave a bruise on her head. A pine tree. It wasn't the best, but it'd have to do. Letting her paws scrape the frozen earth, it took a decent two hours to make the den. Whirs and screams still filled her ears, and she couldnt handle it. Going in the den, she saw it already had a layer of snow. Nearby, she remembered seeing big branches and went for a search to find them once again. That took about an hour. And it was good timing too. If she would of been out in the storm for even one more minute, she'd probably be dead.*

Just thinking about it, she knew she could of been dead. She looked up at the entrance, and noticed thin rays of light were intruding in, and the floor wasn't all snow anymore. Dirt, worms, and roots. Yuck. Though she was a tomboy, dirt made her pelt look unnattractive. But she wasn't the flirty type either.

Aurora slowly drag herself out of the den, pushing the branches out of the way. Pine leaves poked into her fur, skin sometimes, which she tried to ignore. Doing that successfully, she stood up outside the den.

Aches and pains soared throughout her body, to ease them she stretched. Cracks were heard among her body, and they released relief into her system. Aurora swore that her limbs were frozen from the storm.

The white feya became warmer from the sun shining on her bodice. It felt nice, the heat melting the ice frozen on the tips of her fur. Water then trickled along her skin, making it look like she was sweating. She was going to have another journey today, and maybe make some friends.

Friends would be the medicine she needed from past rapists she had to deal with. Each of the wackjobs left her with at least 1 scar. The most recent was a cinnamon colored brute, with the purest grey eyes. And how he was a trickster. Aurora thought he was the nicest brute in the world, but turedn out to be the most rudest, commanding, and crazy wolf. There was one thing that he'd always remember about the boy, that he left a large scar on the left side of her hip, which put a limp in her step. She'd never forgive any of them, or any boy that she would meet in the future if they messed up. If she never found one, she wouldn't have the slightest care in the world. She could always adopt a pup if it came to that.

A sound came to her attention, a snap of a twig. "Who's there?" Aurora called out, looking at her surroundings. Her voice showed no fear at all, but inside, she did hold fear. A lot. It could be another rapist, and that was one thing she wouldn't deal with. Her paws were ready to flee if need be.

Though My actions may be innocent,

“My words may be malicious if I find the need for them to be.”

||Aurora||Pack||Mate||Pups||Older Teen||Female ||Rosie <3||

If you can't see the stuff about her, here it is.

||Aurora||Pack||Mate||Pups||Older Teen||Female||Rosie <3||


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