Misty Mountain is opposite of Rainbow Cliff. Mists hover year-round at this high altitude, mistaken by some to be thin clouds. Thin layers of snow cover the mountain, making some areas slippery and hazardous.

Some think it romantic, a place to bring their mates, while others come to play and romp. However, all must agree that there is some level of mystery and spookiness hovering about with the mists...


[Channing] Can You Hear the Silence


Henadin’s footfalls were louder than normal, the brute too worried about the current situation to even tread quietly. Every few steps, he glanced at Channing, the lids surrounding his orbs wrinkled with worry. The brute knew how near and dear Terrel was to her heart, and the scene that had occurred could not have been easy for the fae to endure. Henadin racked his brain, trying to think of a way to remedy the situation. Terrel had said one thing that stuck out in his mind… that no one knew one thing about the truth. What had happened to the poor young lupine to cause such anger to be present in his soul? Henadin wished that Terrel would accept the feelings that Henadin and Channing shared for each other, but until the issue was resolved, Henadin imagined that peace among the three of them would be close to impossible.

As the brute led the way, not really sure of where he was leading the pair of them, he realized that his feet were cold. Suddenly, the brute went splay-legged, his pads slipping on the ground that previously had been nice and textured. The brute looked down at the ground – it had become icy. Turning back toward Channing, he grinned sheepishly, embarrassed that he had lost his footing. His icy gaze then shifted to the slope ahead and finally to what lay up. His paws had led the way to the Misty Mountain. The misty haze around the peak of the mountain was thick, but Henadin hoped that the tipity top would be clear. They definitely needed some fresh air to think up a way to calm Terrel down. “Careful my love, it is slippery indeed.” Henadin’s muscles pushed him forward, his claws sinking in each step to prevent any further slippage.

The way up the mountain was an easy trip, aside from the snow. Henadin remained silent, holding off the use of his vocals, not know what to say. Henadin’s muscles felt the workout from the steep slope, but he didn’t break his stride until he reached the top of the mountain. As he had hoped, the mist thinned the closer to the peak they got, and the air was clean and free. Henadin paused to look at the view that the peak afforded – though none of the land was visible, the top of the mist was colored by the reflected light of the sun. The brute turned back and nuzzled firmly against Channing, his plume curling around some of her bodice. “I tried to make a good first impression in Abendrot, but he insisted on splitting up. I think he could smell your scent on my coat from the get go. I’m sorry I failed you my love.” The brute frowned, uncertain if Channing would be upset with him because of how the meeting with Terrel had gone.


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