Carden Alvar Nature Board by Bob BowlesRough-legged hawks

I was driving southward on Victoria Rd yesterday evening. Right about the spot where the bus had been parked earlier in the week, a hawk could be seen sitting in a tree close to the road. Fortunately I did have my binoculars with me as I had been on my way to hopefully get a look at a Great Gray Owl that has been seen in the area recently. Took a look at the hawk and had the best view I've ever had of a light phase rough-legged hawk before it took off northward.

I continued southward before turning eastward onto North Mountain Rd. Ahead, I could see a bird land at the top of a tree in a clump of cedars. Out come the binos. Another rough-legged hawk, this time a dark phase one.

What a great opportunity to compare and contrast the two colour variations with these sightings so close together.

For the second night in a row, I was not able to find the Great Gray but I did get to watch a saw-whet owl hunt.

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