Misty Mountain is opposite of Rainbow Cliff. Mists hover year-round at this high altitude, mistaken by some to be thin clouds. Thin layers of snow cover the mountain, making some areas slippery and hazardous.

Some think it romantic, a place to bring their mates, while others come to play and romp. However, all must agree that there is some level of mystery and spookiness hovering about with the mists...


Can You Hear the Silence


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His heart lifted slightly, gladdened by the touch of Channing’s shoulder against his own after he had slipped on the ice. She had briefly looked like she would laugh, but he didn’t. The brute was not surprised, although he greatly missed the way that she had been able to laugh lightly when they had first met. It seemed like he had known her for forever… how strange it was they their first meeting had only been a little while ago. His audette’s flickered as she spoke, and the brute inhaled sharply. These were the first words that had been allowed to escape past the fae’s kissers since the scene in the pack land. Are you alright my love? Henadin smiled, his grey maw parting to show his canines. His tongue lolled out and licked the edge of her maw reassuringly. “Aye, my Lady.” His choice to use that exact term of endearment was because of what her reaction to it had been the first time it had slipped through his kissers. “The only thing that is hurt is my pride.” Henadin had nuzzled against her before finishing the climb to the peak.

At the peak, Henadin glanced at his maiden, and saw her muscles relax a bit. She had seemed to relax even more as he nuzzled against her and wrapped his plume around her. In response to his apologies, Channing had responded: You could never fail me my love. If anything I failed you. I should have prepared Terrel better; he may not have been so upset then. Henadin shook his cranium, not wanting the fae to blame herself at all for what had occurred. He cleared his throat – although he spoke easier in her company, his voice was occasionally still rough from the years of unuse. “I am gladdened indeed to hear that I did not fail you, and now you should hear that you did not fail me. And while there may have been a way to soothe how he took the news, I fear that nothing could have prevented him from being upset.” Channing had carried on the dialogue. I will apologise for my son, he shouldn’t have been that rude to you. I haven’t brought him up to be like that. Again, Henadin should his cranium. “My love, my heart… there is nothing for you to apologize for. You are his mother, his whole life. I expected him to be upset. His rudeness did not injure me, but how it pained your heart did indeed injure me.

The fae’s focus shifted to the terra below, where Terrel no doubt was. Her next set of words were softer, and followed with a whimper. Henadin twitched at the sound, pained by her whimper. The brute nuzzled against her again, pulling her against him with her neck. “Do you wish to converse with him without me? He may be more open to talk to you if I am not present. I will understand if that it your desire. But know this, I will do whatever it takes so that Terrel will accept us. You are my life now, my heart and my soul are yours. I will love Terrel as my own should he allow me to do so.” Henadin paused, unsure if it was his right to ask what he was about to. “What does his past consist of? You do not have to tell me, but it may help me bond with him if I know about his pain…

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||Henadin|| ||<3 Channing <3|| ||Saw Tooth|| ||Adult|| ||*Azura*||


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