At Leisure Lake the sun is always shining and only a few stray clouds roam the open sky; paradise is the one word that really describes it. This beautiful lake is clean and refreshing, the very best place to swim and fish. Pups are known to play here while older wolves watch at the side, engaged in their own activities.


•{ With Glitter and Sparks}•

Esubi trotted out of the cover of the trees, being as silent as she could so she would not draw too much attention to herself. After being abandoned twice when she was still a young pup, Esubi grew to be shy around other wolves she did not know and she tried to avoid them. The teen looked down at her reflection in the lake she had stummbled upon, she examined herself and found many negatives about how she looked, with her three, light grey paws dark and muddy, while her front left foot that was supposed to be pure white was compleatly brown, the dark tip on her tail was full of burrs, her clear, deep blue eyes were tired and oblivious to the beautiful scene around her, and Esubi's strawberry tinted, creamy coat was messy, her fur pointed in every direction. "I look like I'm insane," She mumbled to herself. Esubi couldn't take it anymore and listened to the urg she had ever since she spotted the glistening, calm lake... She took a few steps back for a running start, then she plunged into tue cool, refreshing lake. Esubi then smiled the first smile she felt in months. The mud and burrs washed off, her coat layed flat, her eyes became suddenly alert, she felt better already.


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