The Lost Islands

From a summers thread

Winter flicked back her ears with a sigh. Panthere and run off exploring, again, without telling her while the gold mare had been dozing. She rolled her blue eyes her memory of every other time this had happened the painted filly had always made her way to the shore of the inlet to play in the waters and look for the sea life. What am I going to do with that girl. The returning cold breeze buffeted the mares thick coat as the last few days of the summer began to fade away to make room for the fall. Her pink lips scowled as she thought of the upcoming breeding season. She knew that the roans would probably procreate and perhaps the gold would take a turn this go around. An ear twitched at splashing not far off from her current path. Panthere With a last sigh the gold mare pushed through the tree line. “Okay darling come on…” The words died on her lips as glacial eyes made contact with the pair playing in the surf.

“Oh.” The mare took on her more defensive stance, drawing herself up to full height with a slight grimace of pain at the stretch of her tender hips. A slight narrowing of her eyes as she made a tentative approach towards the soaked paint and her colt. “Who are you?” She came to a halt just at the edge of the sand keeping the strangers between herself and the territory. New faces were not very common in the time that Solgar was the stallion, he didn’t bring girls home as often as the males she was used to so for a strange mare and her foal to be on their shores was a very odd sight for the gold lead. She sent her icy gaze across the beach quickly in search of her mischievous filly. Panthere hadn’t nursed for a few hours so the mare was getting very full and very cranky.

Her cream tail flicked against her hips softly leveling her gaze on the pair and looking them over quickly before speaking in her rough voice. “My name is Winter, are you looking for something or someone?”

"Speech looks like this."

6 // Mare // Warmblood // Pally ee-aa-nCr-nZ-FF-nO-nSpl // 16hh // Trepidation
html by Sabrina for Trepidation

OOC: Sorry if its too short i just wanted to get something up for you!


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