Misty Mountain is opposite of Rainbow Cliff. Mists hover year-round at this high altitude, mistaken by some to be thin clouds. Thin layers of snow cover the mountain, making some areas slippery and hazardous.

Some think it romantic, a place to bring their mates, while others come to play and romp. However, all must agree that there is some level of mystery and spookiness hovering about with the mists...


How lonely is the night without the howl of the wolf?

For the most part of their time together, the lad had done nothing but smile. There had been a few moments were his smile disappeared but it revealed itself just as quickly as it was gone. He looked so much more handsome with a smile on his proud kissers and Channing intended it to stay that way. As a short batch of silence fell on them, the lass knew that it would comfort the lad. He was so used to the silence yet he had been denied it and all because of the drama that had unfolded at the pack clearing. The vixen hoped that she had not rushed the lad into doing anything he was uncomfortable with and would make sure to give him chance to relish silence once again.

At the subject of meeting his sister the lad chuckled and Channing cocked her head to the side as she wandered what was so funny about it. In all honesty she wanted to meet Kahlan, not only because she would be her sister in law but because it was her that had come up with the idea of Henadin going to Romance River. He had said so at their first meeting, when he had stumbled with his words. If she hadn’t of forced the lad to go, they probably wouldn’t be here right now, although she was sure they would have met sometime in the pack. The vixen wanted to thank her for making her brother go to Romance River and for introducing her to such a wonderful wolf. Although the ess didn’t know Kahlan she was sure that their introduction would go a lot better than Henadin’s meeting with Terrel- any meeting would go better than that one.

‘You shall meet Kahlan as soon as you wish, my lady. She will love you. I must warn you… she is much different than I am – very high energy. And she will talk your ears off if you are not careful.’ The ess smiled at the thought. She sounded just wonderful and would no doubt make great company in the future. Channing pictured her getting in very well with Kahlan and hopefully Terrel would come round soon. The thought of her slightly dysfunctional family coming together made the femme’s smile beam with pride. It was all she had ever wanted and her son was the first step in doing that. “Do not worry about me. I’m sure I will manage.” A smile was still plastered on her face until she looked at her mate a saw his kissers turn into a frown. Her maw turned down slightly as she looked at her love, worry on her face. The lad rubbed his muzzle against hers and in return the ess gave him a reassuring kiss. She hoped she had not said something to upset him.

As his next words entered her auds, the ess smiled gently. ‘My love, I fear that my sister may worry about my absence if she has returned from her mission. Now, perhaps, will be a good time for us to separate. I shall meet you in the meeting area with Kahlan once you and Terrel have talked so that you may meet her. But if at any point you need me whilst conversing with your son, call for me and I will come.’ She understood how much family meant to him and could sympathise with what he was feeling. “Do not worry my dear. I understand how you are feeling and if you wish to see your sister then I will not stop you. Of course I will talk with my darling son and try and resolve the situation. Thank you for your offer but I’m sure we will be fine. I will see you shortly.” Planting one final kiss on his maw the lass turned away and down the cliff, she let out a summoning howl to her AWOL son before turning once more to smile at her mate. With that she leapt of the cliff and sprinted away into the distance- but she wouldn’t be gone for long.

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