Carden Alvar Nature Board by Bob BowlesSpring from the bus

from Mark Spurr's Facebook page:
Today I rode on a bluebird's back, as it darted into the thicket of cedar on the Carden plain. Like a post on the facebook, each day's new arrival is trumped within 24 hours, by more amazing migrational treats. The plain was cloaked all misty white this morning. Trees were silhouettes and birds stretched their wings, heavy, under this dewy sea.
I crossed over a bridge and under a river at the Kirkfield liftlocks. I drove slowly up the Victoria road, delighted, that for the first time in a long time I have been a very attentive witness to spring. Each day is a dizzying ride, and a grand parade for the senses, as I dart, across the Carden Plains

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