Many wolves looking for relaxation come to Blossom Field. A gentle breeze vibrating the blossoming flowers is quite a sight to see and it is quite a favourite for wolves to come with their mates.

A recent fire has ruined the scenery, half the field covered with soot and marked with scars of the flames. The other half is untouched, however.


sing those twisted lullabies

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pandora was not one of the lucky few that knew of the wonders of lust. she simply tried to love and when that failed, she tried not to feel at all. it was a terrible, terrible fate to befall upon such a young lass, and yet it had fallen upon her shoulders and pinned her to the ground. and yet her heart, so full of potential and so full of love to be shared, was pounding out of her chest, trying to reach this creature’s own life pumping organ. she watched him, sadness blooming across her soul like bruises as he stepped away from her. she was so stupid! she should have agreed to whatever he’d wanted from her, then she could have him. if she had simply allowed him to take her, to be the mute creature that her father had tried to shape her into, then maybe axel would take her with him. maybe he would have taken her to his pack, asked her to stay with him. and what had she done? she had ruined it. she had pushed him away and now she was ready to crawl up into a hole and die because it simply hurt that much. she fought the prickling in her eyes and tried to fight the convulsing shudders that began to race along her spine. She looked away from him, her head turned away from his eyes and towards the woods that surrounded them, choosing to close her eyes and fight the tears this way, by trying to ignore the awkwardness of the entire situation. the tension was thick and heavy and she wondered briefly if it was sexual or simply awkward. she realized, however, that she wouldn’t particularly mind if he wanted her sexually. she didn’t want him to leave, at least not without her. she wanted him to wrap himself around her and whisper sweet nothings and take her to the pack to show her off to his subjects. these thoughts sent shivers down her spine.

and she wanted him. she wanted to be near him. she [u]needed[/u] to be near him. he was special. he was breath-takingly wonderful and she was painfully average. why on earth would he want her? it was almost frightening how much her yearning for him grew. it was much too hard to fight, so why should she fight it? she wasn’t sure anymore. as his maw opened his maw, she found herself bracing for the worst. but her lashing never came. his words soothed her worry and sent shivers of desire down her spine. she exhaled unsteadily as her name left his lips. her eyes fluttered closed as each word processed in her mind. her eyes opened slowly and she took a tentative step towards him. with newly found adoration for the male surging through her veins, she closed the distance between them and buried her face in the fur on his neck. she took deep inhales of his scent, closing her eyes and shifting closer towards him. she pulled away from him, a mental mewl sounding through her mind at the loss of contact. she looked up at him, her eyes wide and doe like. ”will you take me with you, axel? do you promise not to leave me?” she whispered softly, swallowing hard. her future rested in his hands. all he had to do was say “yes” and take her with him, take her to whatever land he claimed as his. all he had to do was say yes. and then he could have her, all of her. everything he wanted from her, he could have. all he had to say was “yes”.

see her shyness
hear her innocence
listen to her whispers


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