At Leisure Lake the sun is always shining and only a few stray clouds roam the open sky; paradise is the one word that really describes it. This beautiful lake is clean and refreshing, the very best place to swim and fish. Pups are known to play here while older wolves watch at the side, engaged in their own activities.


Creeping Forward

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The faeling could feel the titan’s amber eyes boring into her, but she had kept her deep emeralds focused upon the ground that lay before her feet. Her excuse for not looking at him was that she didn’t want to trip while she was leaping after him, trying to keep up. But the truth of the matter was that she didn’t want to talk about her past more than she already had. It was too painful. Having no memories was, in her opinion, worse than having bad memories. Although her first memory was bad enough… and it came rushing back as soon as the lake came into her vision.

She opened her eyes and the cold water stung the soft membranes of her orbs. She tried to cry out in pain, but only bubbles emerged. The current of the water swept her upward just in time to prevent her from inhaling a chestful of water, but the view it yielded was just as terrifying – before her were rapids. Lots of them. They had tossed her and thrown her and tried to drown her. It was all she could do to keep her head above the rushing waves. Finally, there was one hydraulic that sought to rip her very life from her – the vortex swept her down into the dark depths of its abysmal whirls. The fae had been pinned between the strong current of the whirlpool and a rock, and there was no way out. This would be her last moment of life. But a sudden strength swept into her, and her tiny haunches somehow collected beneath her and pushed her away from the rock. Her propulsion worked with the direction of the vortex and shot her right out of the water and into a calm, nearby eddy. But with all of her energy drained by the rapids, even the eddy was hard to navigate. Finally, the fae had been able to touch the hard gravel bottom and had crawled out of the frigid waters. Her small bodice collapsed on the solid ground, just out of reach of the water that lapped at the shore. Her emeralds closed shut the faeling trembled, her tiny body being wracked with chills, when a realization rushes over her – she has no memory. She has no idea who she is or where she is from. All she has in her memory is a single name – Apollonia. And though she does not know what it means or whose name it is, she decides to take it on as her own.

The fae came back to the present, her body shaking from the cold waters of her memory. As she whimpered and glanced at him, her emeralds sad and teary, the titan sighed and then opened his maw to speak to her. Listen carefully to me Apollonia. The only way you will get over your fear is to face it. Look it in the eyes and show it who’s boss. The faeling collapsed to the gravel at the thought of approaching the lake out of her own free will. Her emeralds watched as the titan approached the water’s edge, and her whimpers turned into pitched cries. In her mind, the water was a monster. In small amounts, such as puddles or trickles, it was not scary. But once it was open, or moving, or free – it was a demon of its own. The water began to lap at the titan’s paws, and Apollonia shut her eyes, expecting it to sweep him away. But she opened her lids upon hearing the brute’s voice in her audettes once more. Come here. I won’t let anything happen to you I promise. His vocal tone was still rough, but it was gentle, and Apollonia found her paws dragging her body toward the titan and the lake. Her belly scraped against the gravel and her whimpers grew louder as she reached toward the water with her pink tongue.

She kept her body as far away from the lake as was possible and stretched out her neck and tongue, lapping at the water with the tip of her tongue until her thirst was no more, and she scrambled backward once more. Though the lake hadn’t eaten her yet, that didn’t mean that it wouldn’t eat her at some point…

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||Apollonia|| ||No Mate|| ||No Pack|| ||Pup|| ||*Azura*||


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