Many wolves looking for relaxation come to Blossom Field. A gentle breeze vibrating the blossoming flowers is quite a sight to see and it is quite a favourite for wolves to come with their mates.

A recent fire has ruined the scenery, half the field covered with soot and marked with scars of the flames. The other half is untouched, however.


every beat of his cocaine heart[azzuen<3]

it was now after her little escapade at the falls, and rhae was seeking some more peace and quiet for her mind. thus she made her way toward a spot where her olfactory senses told her flowers grew, but also did not grow. there was also the very dull scent of soot and ash, which might have just peaked her curiosity a tad. making her way quietly through the woods, she kept her wits about her while also allowing her mind to wander. over the years, rhae had quite perfected this act, as the constant practice of it had almost perfected it. practice makes perfect, after all.

it was not soon before she finally came upon her destination; it was a rather large field of wildflowers. there were almost all shades of colour, from violet and crimson to sienne and gold. but what was peculiar about the field was the fact that half of it, if not more, was burnt down to soot and nothing grew there. though it seemed years had passed since the actual fire, the remnants of soot and ash and of course the scent of smoke still remained- but nothing had ever grown back to replace what had been lost.

there was almost a sense of morose that rhae felt at the site of the scarred and tattered field, and yet at the same time it was a sense of comfort, for afterall- things of bright hue and sweet scent were quite liable to put ones mind at ease. after making her observations, she had then continued from the point she had stopped at and waded within the waves of wildflowers. because it was spring, the flowers were all just barely blooming, some even doing so late, and the constant buzz of insects were apparent all throughout the inhabited field. but rhae was careful to keep her movements flowing and graceful, so as not to disturb the militia of pollen carriers faithfully carrying out their duty. afterall- every creature in this world is born with a purpose, and it is their duty to carry such out. the world is a cycle, and everything must go 'round- and all beings have their part in it, whether they choose to believe it or not.

he loves me with every
beat of his cocaine heart


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