Many wolves looking for relaxation come to Blossom Field. A gentle breeze vibrating the blossoming flowers is quite a sight to see and it is quite a favourite for wolves to come with their mates.

A recent fire has ruined the scenery, half the field covered with soot and marked with scars of the flames. The other half is untouched, however.


Truly Madly Deeply

Liam smiled and laughed at Katari's statement. "Maybe because of his voice, but I was a good boy, and still am." Even what he said made him laugh, and he then licked Katari again.

"Get a den!" Louis shouted, and all the boys had a laugh. Even Liam, but he had a bit of a blush.

After it all settled down, Zayn's ears perked and he turned around to see his four children and Lola coming over. D'arcy, the runt of their litter, was singing. Soon enough, she came over to her father and rubbed against him. Though it messed up his coat, she was his daughter. "Hello D'arcy. Hello Lola." He smiled and nuzzled them both.

Shada giggled as she followed her mother, frolicing. A few times she messed up her brother's coat on purpose. Though she was an older teen by this point, she still acted like a pup. And when she saw her uncles, she shouted with joy. "Uncle Liam! Uncle Harry! Uncle Louis! Uncle Niall!" She ran. When she saw a young pup, and skidded to a stop. Slowly studing the pup, it looked like Liam. "Uncle Liam, who's this?"

Liam turned to Shada, her niece. "Oh I almost forgot! This is my mate Katari, and we had a son. Shada, that's Fabian."

Aberle followed slowly behind, and anger started building up inside as his sisted messed up his coat more and more. "Mom, Shada's messing up my coat!" He tattled, but he just kept moving forward with a pouty look on his face.

Shada looked at Fabian, and said, "Hi Fabian! I'm Shada!"

Liam muttered under his breath, but made it obvious for everyone to hear, "Gosh, do I feel old."

OOC- Rush, Brianna (player of Katari) just came back not too long ago and we decided to start fresh with Liam and Katari. Okay?


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