Many wolves looking for relaxation come to Blossom Field. A gentle breeze vibrating the blossoming flowers is quite a sight to see and it is quite a favourite for wolves to come with their mates.

A recent fire has ruined the scenery, half the field covered with soot and marked with scars of the flames. The other half is untouched, however.


i have died everyday; waiting for you

Four willowy limbs transported a gingery bodice through the trees. The trees themself towered above the titan and the brute, despite his daunting size, felt small beneath the trees. The trees casted shadows that pirouetted across his oddly formed body. The brute’s title was Azzuen. Azzuen’s chocolate spheres rotated a glance around the habitat he had adopted, scrutinising the location he had found himself in. A few patches of radiant flowers were scattered around the terrain, trailing towards the direction of east. And east possessed the tranquil fragrance of flowers. At west a lingering scent of prey shrouded the air, and in the distance his eyes revealed the shadows of the famous cavern. Although Azzuen was fond of hunting, he did not feel hungry and so felt no requirement for a pursuit. His head turned gently, following the direction of flowers. It was quite easy to get lost in thoughts in flowers; perfect. And so, he set off towards east. Although he had no knowledge of it, he was heading towards Blossom Field.

As he dawdled closer, Azzuen was struck with a wall of pungent odours and a vision of vibrant flowers. The titan smiled lightly, reformed his posture to the highest standards and began his slow and cautious march into the field of flowers. Of course, he did not keep his posture for very long. Azzuen began to feel dazed and thoughtful in the many perfumes that this field possessed. He was still amazed about how many colours it had blossomed. There was pink, purple, yellow, black, green, red… and so many more. It was a place of serenity and peace, somewhere to blissfully lay your head. But it was also a place of laughter and happiness; where pups could seek play, to romp about without worry. It was a place of freedom.

A sheet of blackness caught the corner of his coffee eye; what was it? Half of the field had been burnt, or so it seemed to the titan. It was a small disappointment, for it did not look fresh and it probably would never regrow… A light scent of smoke still lingered in the air but fortunately the remaining half of flowers overpowered it. It was a mystery, if not a miracle that more had not perished. Fire meant death. So why had it stopped? Shaking his head, Azzuen carried on. Now was not the time to ponder life; he had to locate a place to rest.

And he delved further into the flowers; he discovered that it was not that pungent - many of the flowers still had time to open up. The titan’s eyes followed a bee that dipped and dived on its quest for nectar. As he followed it, his eyes discovered the frame of a wolf. His prying eyes paused upon her body. It had been so long since he had had company. His paw quivered as a small beetle passed over his paw, bringing him back from his thoughts. Azzuen was hesitant… What if she did not want to talk? He never thought of himself worthy to be in the company of others and did not wish to force himself upon her… But he was a master at deciphering people’s impressions of himself… He would know if she did not want to talk. And so, with the strides of an adult Kalak, he set off his pursuit.

Her pelt was rather… what other word to describe it other than pretty? There were quite a few colours that presented themselves. Azzuen slowly trailed forward, careful not to spook her. He himself did not feel he was that intimidating. His pace was now quicker; careful not to fall behind too much but once close enough he said: “hello…”

It was not the finest of introductions, and he was sure that if she had in fact realised he had been following her then he would have appeared as an intimidating stalker…

His appendages trailed closer to the female, his white jaw hesitantly opening. Should he say something else? He did not know the many qualities of a good conversation so Azzuen remained silent.


Word Count: 689
OOC: Ack :\ I hope that's alright! This table I made sucks though. XD Luckily it's only temporary.

Azzuen | Pupless | Loveless | Loner | Young Adult

i have died every day;
waiting for you...


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