Many wolves looking for relaxation come to Blossom Field. A gentle breeze vibrating the blossoming flowers is quite a sight to see and it is quite a favourite for wolves to come with their mates.

A recent fire has ruined the scenery, half the field covered with soot and marked with scars of the flames. The other half is untouched, however.


every beat of his cocaine heart

though her thoughts were sparatic and spread out, rhae still had enough wits about her to observe the approach of a stranger. though they seemed to have quickened their stride to catch up with her, it was not deemed needed as she had slowed her own pace, curious to see who it was that wished to approach her. swinging her jaw back around over her shoulder, bright teal eyes glanced behind her at the approaching wolf. the breeze had been carrying his scent away from her, so she had not known, but know she knew quite well that he was in fact a male, and that he's one of the few strangers who exceeded her own height. her mackenzie artic heritage had always seen to that. but while he was taller than herself, he was also more lanky and not as solidy built. her curiosity was instantly insnared.

when his white muzzle moved slightly, he spoke quietly, a single word in greeting. hello. and that was all it took. gracing him with a gentle, and most welcoming smile, rhae dipped her skull down ever so slightly in a respectful and almost formal greeting, before speaking herself. her tones were soothing, experienced- and lilted with a slight accent of sorts. "well, hello, stranger. have you come to admire the sea of beauty we stand knee deep in?" the experienced female had always had a way with speaking, and while it was not quite poetic, it was something of a similar sort. it had simply been the way she had learned how to organize her thoughts, and how to place them, as well as show them to others.

patiently awaiting his reply, she continued to gaze up at his own chocolate hued irises, before after a moment allowing herself to- ever politely- observe him in a rather discreet way. though she had seen wolves similar to him, she had never had first experience with any of them. he was very tall- taller than herself- and had a pelt seeminly made of fire. he also had white and black that marked him in several places, but his overall hue was that of the fire rhae had just been thinking about that ravaged the field they now stood in. she was curious to his own heritage, but out of simple politeness she refrained from asking him- at least thus far. though she did not recline back on her haunches, she did visably relax as well as tilt her jaw to the side as she watched him, wondering just what was going on inside his head.

he seemed young, and that simply meant that he had much to learn ahead of him. but rhae was rather curious to what he had learned thus far, for the way he acted, and spoke, and portrayed himself, one would think him older and more wise than most. she'd always had the most bubbly curioisity throughout her life, and it never seemed to die down as the years carried on. but she never forgot her manners, and was always going about it in the most polite manner possible. after all, while she may have not ever thought about it- rhae was ever the proper lady.

he loves me with every
beat of his cocaine heart


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