At Leisure Lake the sun is always shining and only a few stray clouds roam the open sky; paradise is the one word that really describes it. This beautiful lake is clean and refreshing, the very best place to swim and fish. Pups are known to play here while older wolves watch at the side, engaged in their own activities.


When I fell hard{Chloe/Kiaori}

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"The Medicine Man"

Life hadn't exactly been easy lately, but hey; When was it ever? Right now, Jazonell was just struggling to stay on al fours. Or threes. Anyway, the blondish male was currently resting on his haunches at Leisure Lake. Relaxation was important for him, especially with his right foreleg in a less than perfect condition.

See, Jazz was always in a lot of trouble with his former pack. Due to this bad relationship, he tended to ignore everything his packmates and Alpha said, and one day, this got him in trouble when a prey hunt went wrong. So now he had a limp in his right foreleg, which he was rather used to now. Unfortunately though, it made things difficult. He had become an outcast, as his pack didn't want a 'disabled wolf' and so he had lived alone, eventually stumbling upon Blossom Forest. However, he still found it extremely hard to hunt, catching next to nothing, and as a result he was getting quite skinny. Still, he had somehow managed to survive this far.

Leisure Lake was a beautiful area; the breeze was cool, the sun shining and most importantly, it wasn't overcrowded with bumbling creatures. Well, at least this part wasn't. It served well in his daily relaxation exercises, and purging his mind of doubt's and fears. If he wanted to become a true Healer one day, then this kind of "meditation" would be necessary to keep a cool and calm demeanour. Healing a wolf was difficult when you yourself where having a miniature panic attack and in turn, panicking your patient. A beginners mistake.

Jazz had lifted his brown orbs to inspect a herb growing not far from the water's edge: Chamomile. From distant memory, Jazz remembered it's flowers being used to muscle aches. This is why he referred to himself as 'The Medicine Man'. His speciality was with medicines and herbs, which seemed to make up for his lack in other departments, like hunting. Many wolves didn't see the point in herbs; just become a good enough warrior and you shouldn't need healing and nonsense like that. However, he found herbs far more productive that spilling blood and warring like some kind of stupid riff-raff scraped from the roadside. Seriously. Some wolves needed to get a new hobby, that wasn't being a mindless brute.

Still, the varg couldn't help but feel empty. He lived a fairly lonely life, devoid of contact from his own kind. Hopefully, someone, anyone, would wander across him. Even if their conversation only lasted a few seconds, he'd take it. It'd be better than nothing, and he might even meet someone interesting. It would have been a long while since that happened, with many disappointing Jazonell with their barbaric attitudes and natures.



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