Many wolves looking for relaxation come to Blossom Field. A gentle breeze vibrating the blossoming flowers is quite a sight to see and it is quite a favourite for wolves to come with their mates.

A recent fire has ruined the scenery, half the field covered with soot and marked with scars of the flames. The other half is untouched, however.


i have died everyday; waiting for you

Instantly Azzuen melted into gentle relief seeing her welcoming smile broadening upon her maw. She did not repel his company as he had expected her to. Azzuen’s coffee eyes observed as the lady dipped her head in greeting; it was formal but that was expected. He in return bowed his head as a gentleman should. His audettes pinned forward as soothing, humble words were shared in his direction. ‘Well, hello, stranger. Have you come to admire the sea of beauty we stand knee deep in?’ The titan was pleasantly surprised at her use of words; they were poetic and strong, capturing his attention from the first few words. He racked his brain for a response, wishing to match her words with the same level of intelligence – even so, Azzuen guessed that she had more experience than he. The Kalak paused after her words before finally stepping forward to say; “I did not expect such a quantity of flowers I must admit but I am glad I have crossed paths with this location. I have not lived in Blossom Forest for long you see.” His maw restricted into a smile, Azzuen was glad that she was not boisterous – a peaceful conversation was all he required. The titan was aware that through his lyrics, her vigorous teal eyes were discreetly observing him. He restrained from saying anything although inwardly he was terrified of what thoughts would be crossing her mind. He did not appear to be the most ordinary of wolves and certainly not compared to the wolves in Blossom Forest. Azzuen discarded these thoughts, would she still be around if she thought of him badly?

“Oh!” He exclaimed and although it was a voice of surprise Azzuen’s voice still remained quieter than many others. “Where are my manners? My name is Azzuen and what might your name be, miss?” The giant’s eyes crossed her body once again; able to note the markings of her face more closely, noting each and every detail. Azzuen had always been a keen observer, capable of remembering things many wolves would forget. The most noticeable feature of her face was the bright, teal eyes. Surrounding her capturing eyes were chocolate coloured marks. Azzuen smiled once again – ever the tender creature he was. The titan was a gentle giant; never once sharing vicious lyrics in other wolves’ direction.


Word Count: 394

Azzuen | Pupless | Loveless | Loner | Young Adult

i have died every day;
waiting for you...


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