Many wolves looking for relaxation come to Blossom Field. A gentle breeze vibrating the blossoming flowers is quite a sight to see and it is quite a favourite for wolves to come with their mates.

A recent fire has ruined the scenery, half the field covered with soot and marked with scars of the flames. The other half is untouched, however.


every beat of his cocaine heart

it was now that rhae decided to relax completely and recline back upon her haunches. she had finally come to the conclusion that the male was indeed young and that he meant her no harm, just as she did not mean any. in fact, he seemed to be just another lost soul seeking out companionship, and while she hadn't planned to particularly converse with anyone today- she did not infact mind. it was rather the opposite, actually. she welcomed his curiosity, his gentlemanly manner, and his exotic appearance. she still wished to ask him of his heritage, but still she refrained. they had, after all, just only met, and she did not want to overstep any invisible boundry he might have with strangers. beside, she hadn't even given him her name yet, though he has just asked for it.

once again gracing him with a warm, gentle smile, she spoke again- her slight accent coming through when saying her own name. "i would be rhae. and it is such a pleasure to meet you, azzuen." just as she had when first greeting him, upon speaking his name she dipped her coffe toned jaw downward once again, before bringing her bright teal eyes back up to meet with his own chocolate ones. it seemed that he himself was also a new addition to blossom forest, as rhae was herself, and that made her curious once again to ask of his origin. and so finally deciding against her initial thoughts, she let her curiosity froth and bubble over. "i've only just come across this lovely land recently myself. tell me, azzuen- where is it you come from? i come from far to the east, and far to the north- in the mountains, where it is almost always snowy and white all year 'round, save for the occasional rainy season we are very lucky to have."

he hadn't asked for her own origin, but she thought it would be most polite to give her own, since she had just asked of his. politeness was ever on rhae's mind, for to be rude was one of the most disrespectful things a wolf can do. and the russet, creme and chocolate toned girl did pride herself on such a thing. for to give respect, it meant one typically earned it in return. thus she hoped was true with azzuen.

he loves me with every
beat of his cocaine heart


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