At Leisure Lake the sun is always shining and only a few stray clouds roam the open sky; paradise is the one word that really describes it. This beautiful lake is clean and refreshing, the very best place to swim and fish. Pups are known to play here while older wolves watch at the side, engaged in their own activities.


{We are sick and we are tired.}

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”You are correct, little one, a beta is a rank. A very high rank just below the Alpha’s of a pack. They are in charge of making everyone safe and protecting the pack from danger. So I will not let anything hurt you.” The monster watched as the tiny girl stopped listening to every word that spilt from his mouth. Her tiny bodice quivering as he near enough forced her forward towards the water. But diving in head first was how he had learnt every valuable lesson in his life, and it would be no different for Apollonia.

Lycaon’s eyes stayed fixed on the girl at all times, his gaze catching every trembling second of this terrifying ordeal. Fear clearly worked its way through the girl dashing every rational thought in her mind before, slowly but surely, she began to edge closer to him... Closer to the water. He belly near enough scraping across the floor before she shakily lifted herself higher from the ground. Her little limbs shaking as she did so as if she were about to faint. But sure enough she reached the brute, standing in front of him, her tiny green orbs gazing upwards towards his face. ’What do I do, Mister Lycaon?’ He lowered his head closer to the pup’s ears before whispering quietly into her auds. ”We do it together. One step at a time.” The boy really didn’t know why he was being so nice to this pup. Maybe it was because he saw his own pups within her, or maybe it was because he saw great potential as a warrior in her. Either way, and despite his hardest efforts, she was growing on him.

Standing near the edge of the water, the boy took one relatively small step towards the water. His paw now fully submerged in the liquid. It soothed and refreshed his broken pads and for a moment, Lycaon felt strange. What was this? Relief? The demon took little time in shaking the feeling straight from his bodice. He had to concentrate at the task at hand and nothing else. Taking another step, both paws were placed under the water. Like he said one little step at a time. He turned his gaze towards the girl once more, trying to make his face appear softer. ”Stand by me Apollonia. Let the water wash round your legs. Feel the relief and comfort it brings. Try and forget the bad things about the water and remember it will not hurt you while I am here.” His words and tone were sincere and persuasive. He really did want the girl to know that she was safe.

At the thought, Lycaon bit his own tongue. How could he let himself fall to this level of kindness? What was wrong with him? For a brief moment he thought about turning and leaving the girl stood in the water, but that was against his rules. What a surprise! Sometimes he wished that he had never invented the dim-witted rules. But he had and there was nothing he could do about it.

Lycaon ~ Cold Summers ~ No Mate ~ No Heirs.


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