Many wolves looking for relaxation come to Blossom Field. A gentle breeze vibrating the blossoming flowers is quite a sight to see and it is quite a favourite for wolves to come with their mates.

A recent fire has ruined the scenery, half the field covered with soot and marked with scars of the flames. The other half is untouched, however.


i have died everyday; waiting for you

Azzuen observed as the female beside him descended onto the ground, feeling far too formal he too resided to his haunches. The titan had concluded that she was indeed older than him; with the poetic lyrics she shared, the way she presented herself and the politeness she retained. He was glad that he had encountered someone older as Azzuen, who was just delving into adulthood, had the maturity of someone much older than him. The titan was fairly thoughtful and though his mind easily wondered, he possessed little naivety. In fact, Azzuen was occupied with the sense of mostly despair in his wonderings. He was rewarded with only the stares of travellers, eyes caressing his exotic body. The titan did not belong anywhere; Blossom Forest was his final chance to blend in from prying eyes. He had heard of the King of Cold Summers – Axel. He too was a maned wolf, gracing Azzuen with the sense of rare optimism. But he could not install into a pack, he was raised by a pair of Kalak. In fact, it was unusual to be raised in a group outside of Blossom Forest; there was always two mates and one litter and then the following year, two mates - one litter.

He was still dwelling in the miserable past… Encountering no new experiences…

The grand titan enquired her name, wishing to have something to call her by and in return offered his own. ‘I would be Rhae. And it is such a pleasure to meet you, Azzuen.’ A slight accent filtered through her speech and the brute found his thoughts trespassing towards her history. Where had she come from? What was it like there? And had her travels been much of an odyssey? Although, Azzuen was not forced to wait long for some of the questions that occupied his mind were answered; in the topic of origin. ‘I’ve only just come across this lovely land recently myself. Tell me, Azzuen- where is it you come from? I come from far to the east, and far to the north- in the mountains, where it is almost always snowy and white all year 'round, save for the occasional rainy season we are very lucky to have.’

Azzuen hesitated – she was interested in him?

“Um, I have ventured from the south – it is fairly warm there, though we still encountered a lot of rain which probably suits me better than anywhere else… Even my under fur isn’t very thick.” He said, allowing her to absorb the information before adding: “So I wouldn’t match very well to the climate you have strayed from.” He chuckled, imagining himself shivering in snow… not that he had ever seen much of it. A few strayed snowflakes were all he had confronted.

A soft breeze caressed his body and Azzuen’s head rose to meet it; his wispy strands of hair pirouetted gracefully. It brought another wave of fragrant scents. His eyes were closed briefly before it dawned on him that he was still in company. His chocolate eyes retreated politely to her face. “So…” he said gently, “how do you like to spend your day?”

What a stupid question to ask, Azzuen cursed himself – he was really no good at this talking business….


Word Count: 515

Azzuen | Pupless | Loveless | Loner | Young Adult

i have died every day;
waiting for you...


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