Many wolves looking for relaxation come to Blossom Field. A gentle breeze vibrating the blossoming flowers is quite a sight to see and it is quite a favourite for wolves to come with their mates.

A recent fire has ruined the scenery, half the field covered with soot and marked with scars of the flames. The other half is untouched, however.


every beat of his cocaine heart

all throughout their entire conversation- all around them the buzz of insects and bees was a constant drone in one's auditory senses. rhae did not mind, in fact- she rather cherished the activity of life going on all around her. the sun was a constant companion, warming her multi-hued coat, and no doubt warming the red head before her. just as she had relaxed back on her haunches, so did he, matching her in her relaxed posture and perhaps state of mind. when he gave his reply, he seemed rather hesitant; uncertain to how to reply or perhaps how to fourm his words. they were similar to her own in the way he arranged them, and rhae found it a rather pleasant thing to listen to. um, i have ventured from the south- it is fairly warm there, though we still encountered a lot of rain which probably suits me better then anywhere else... even my under fur isn't very thick. he paused a for a brief moment before continuing. so i wouldn't match very well to the climate you have strayed from. she could detect a slight hint of humor in his voice, and such brought a pleasant smile to her muzzle.

his speech was followed with a chuckle, which she could not quite help but join in with. in was a rich, pleasant sound, nothing bell-like akin to some females, but something of a deeper monotone that made up the rest of rhae's voice. as well as the sunshine, there was also a pleasant breeze that brought the perfume of flowers as well as the tang of ash- and it felt lovely along with the warmth. in silence, she observed azzuen seem to lose himself in thought, before it seemed to dawn on him that she was still in front of him. with a rather sheepish expression, and a soft tone of voice, he inquired about how she liked to spend her day. so.. how do you like to spend your day?. an amusing question indeed.

smiling once more, she thought for a moment, before answering him. "living. learning, observing. beauty and knowledge is above all things, and to be both cherished and coveted. and how do you spend your days, azzuen? this is a new land, after all. though i have yet to explore much.. i'm sure there is much to learn and experience." rhae was ever ready to experience new things, new places- observe new faces, learn new things. life was constant and so was she, always on the move and always on the path she herself chose.

he loves me with every
beat of his cocaine heart


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