At Leisure Lake the sun is always shining and only a few stray clouds roam the open sky; paradise is the one word that really describes it. This beautiful lake is clean and refreshing, the very best place to swim and fish. Pups are known to play here while older wolves watch at the side, engaged in their own activities.


Creeping Forward

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You are correct, little one, a beta is a rank. A very high rank just below the Alpha’s of a pack. They are in charge of making everyone safe and protecting the pack from danger. So I will not let anything hurt you. The brute’s words were reassuring, at least slightly, and she straightened her audettes and her bodice’s trembling quieted slightly. The brute was very intuitive, and though he didn’t know her full story, Apollonia found herself trusting him and comforted by his vocals. Still, she shook viciously as she neared the water. Her dark emeralds stayed focused on the deathly water, but she could feel the brute’s gaze upon her.

Finally, the pup reached Lycaon, and for the first time, her gaze had switched to focus upon the titan that loomed over her. After her trembling voice was emitted, the brute lowered his maw and whispered in her ear, and Apollonia’s auds flickered toward him. We do it together. One step at a time.One… one step at a time… I can do that mister…” One tiny paw moved toward the brute, her tiny claws sinking into the silt. His voice was kinder than it had been before, and Apollonia’s kissers curled on the edges, though her smile was short lived.

However, her bodice hunkered back to the earth as soon as the brute’s limb moved toward the liquid, his paw now covered by the lapping edge. And then a second limb moved, drenching a second paw. Stand by me Apollonia. Let the water wash round your legs. Feel the relief and comfort it brings. Try and forget the bad things about the water and remember it will not hurt you while I am here. Apollonia shook her cranium from side to side and backed upward a few steps, her gaze falling back to the water. But as she backed up, her emeralds glanced back up to the brute and her regression stopped. His gaze was soft and sincere, and she did not want to disappoint him. “Promise?” Slowly, step-by-step, she moved toward the lake. She kept her gaze on the brute, knowing that if she glanced back toward the lake, her forward motion would cease and her determination would be deterred.

The water was cold, frigid, biting as one paw at a time entered the water. A short, piercing cry was released from her maw, and then she took a deep breath and ran in between Lycaon’s two limbs, his warmth and strength countering the cold danger of the lake. Her bodice shook as she stood pressed against his limb, the lake’s edge lapping at her russet pelt. “N…n…now what Mister?

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||Apollonia|| ||No Mate|| ||No Pack|| ||Pup|| ||*Azura*||


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