Many wolves looking for relaxation come to Blossom Field. A gentle breeze vibrating the blossoming flowers is quite a sight to see and it is quite a favourite for wolves to come with their mates.

A recent fire has ruined the scenery, half the field covered with soot and marked with scars of the flames. The other half is untouched, however.


and i have died every day waiting for you


The brute’s ears flickered as her rich laughter engulfed his ear drums; it was fairly deep – not at all similar to some other female’s laughter. His own voice was meagre compared to hers; Azzuen’s laugh was a delicate tone, matching his tender voice. But although soft as a daisy it was patched together by deepness. Friendliness was always involved in his voice, hardly ever was there hostility mingling into the lyrics. Azzuen noted a gentle breeze, accompanying the fragrances of a light taint of ash lingering in the air. The brute lifted his head to greet the stir of wind; for a brief moment he forgot where he was, and who he was with. His encounter with the breeze allowed himself to take it the scents of flowers and the scents of ash. Birds flew overhead like a lingering presence of hope, ah to fly -that would be incredible. The moment, however, passed and came to abrupt stop and he peered over to the face of his newly acquainted companion. He retreated to his awkward nature, unsure of what to say and how to say it. Many options passed through his mind but there was only one that seemed acceptable…

Sighing softly, the titan turned his attention to her response. Poetic words were emitted from her maw: ‘Living. Learning, observing. Beauty and knowledge is above all things, and to be both cherished and coveted. And how do you spend your days, Azzuen?'This is a new land, after all. Though I have yet to explore much, I’m sure there is much to learn and experience.’ Azzuen smiled gently, absorbing her fluent words… How did he like to spend his days? “Well, I…” he paused, racking his mind for days of the past. “I enjoy hunting, although it is not frequently done as I do not have the largest of appetites… I like exploring I guess, I am sure that I will – and probably you too – be doing a lot of that soon. But I also involve myself into learning; I try to learn something new every day. I am hoping to explore the world of healing fairly soon…” The titan’s words were somewhat distant and vague, recalling the gentle moments of happiness in the past. But nevertheless his words were as always soft and gentle, weighing as much as a small bird’s feather. He knew he could never become someone brilliant but if he could assist others in their suffering he would feel… good for once; knowing he was doing something selfless.


Word Count: 522
OOC: Oh my goodness... I took foreverrr. XD

Azzuen | Pupless | Loveless | Packess | Young Adult

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