Many wolves looking for relaxation come to Blossom Field. A gentle breeze vibrating the blossoming flowers is quite a sight to see and it is quite a favourite for wolves to come with their mates.

A recent fire has ruined the scenery, half the field covered with soot and marked with scars of the flames. The other half is untouched, however.


Bulletproof love

Lola smiled and licked her mate as Lucid, their third pup now a young teen ran towards Shada and Fabian. When he made it to them, he stopped, bumping into Shada on the way. He smiled and wagged his tail. "Hello! I'm Lucid." Of course, Lucid had no interest in letting himself be the center but his sister Shada, he loved the most out of his siblings.

"Aberle," Lola started, "Stop worrying about your coat like your father does and be a child for once." she finish. D'arcy watched and then looked up at her father and nuzzled him. She had heard Fabian sing and even though she loved being the center of attention, she let it slide this one time. Her ears perking up. She stood by her father then bunched her muscles and lunged towards her brother, Aberle, who she looked up to, and hoped to knock him off balance.


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