At Leisure Lake the sun is always shining and only a few stray clouds roam the open sky; paradise is the one word that really describes it. This beautiful lake is clean and refreshing, the very best place to swim and fish. Pups are known to play here while older wolves watch at the side, engaged in their own activities.


It's Time For Tea...

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She knew she deserved the glare shot at her, and she couldn't blame him: Aloe vera stung quite a bit at first. But at least it soothed and healed the wound, instead of it becoming a cesspit of infection and bacteria that'd kill a wolf easily. She'd rather he was temporarily annoyed at her then gone forever. After a while, he relaxed and she couldn't help but smile. Her son was absolutely adorable. As soon as she finished, he had stretched out onto his side, whether resting or enjoying the weather she wasn't sure.

When she had returned next, his tail had wagged excitedly, but soon that excited behaviour had halted. He obviously not impressed with this herb. "I do not want this, I am fine. I do not wish to eat this." The words held a trace of anger, and she nearly snapped back at him. She couldn't help it. The pup had just reminded her of someone else in her pack, who she wouldn't and didn't hesitate to give a good tongue lashing when he was stubborn. So always. Sighing, she had decided to let this one go: For now anyway. He'd find he wasn't the only stubborn one around here.

His next words however, softened her a little more. "Just family..., old friends. I don't know. I'm just thinking about how my life won't be the same.." No, it wouldn't, she had thought sadly, watching as the pup then gave her a smile, as if he wanted her to know he was grateful. He didn't have to try and put on an act for her, and she would certainly try to do the same for him. Unfortunately, the femme was quite independent, and also quite snappy. Still, that was not the way she wanted to raise her son, so she'd try to be a better wolf, if only for his sake.

"Do you like the water?" She asked conversationally, whilst subtly turning the talk away from family. The pup didn't need to reminisce on the past. He couldn't change it, and he had to look forwards to the future. But she'd never ask him to forget his family. Never. Still, he clearly needed his mind off the topic right now. Following on, she added "Has anyone ever taught you to swim?" Well, if she was going to teach him how to be able to help himself, they had to start somewhere. And she didn't really want to find out he couldn't swim sometime in the future, if he fell into the water.

She gave him another soft encouraging grin. He could talk to her all he wanted to.

It's Time for Tea

||Lolita||Female||Mother to Forbidden Secret||Cold Summers||Mateless||PixieEclipse||

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