At Leisure Lake the sun is always shining and only a few stray clouds roam the open sky; paradise is the one word that really describes it. This beautiful lake is clean and refreshing, the very best place to swim and fish. Pups are known to play here while older wolves watch at the side, engaged in their own activities.


{We are sick and we are tired.}

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The feeling of a small vulnerable creature trembling between his paws was not a strange experience for the brute. He had been through years of innocence quaking beneath his bodice; however this version was slightly skewed. Usually the creature had been begging for its life, trembling in fear of the brute stood over them. This time the creature was shivering not because of him, but because of the water and was finding comfort in his powerful limbs. For a moment the brute wasn’t quite sure what to make of the situation. It had wound his demons up for sure as they thought they were in for a, rather bloody, treat. But it wasn’t the case. Today... Lycaon was being nice!

The pride draped over his words seemed to encourage the girl a little more, her tiny tail swaying from side to side causing droplets of water to cascade outwards and soak the inside of his towers. However for once, Lycaon didn’t care. He was too wrapped up in the moment to care. What was happening to him? He had expected a bubble of words to escape from the girls jaws as they had once done in the cavern but instead the wagging ceased and the forest green gaze that had once been settled on his form was now looking down. ’Mister… I have no memories.’ The lad bite the inside of his mouth... Oh shit. Of course now he remembered that she had briefly mentioned something before. Stupid idiot! Why couldn’t he have remembered that sooner? Still the monster let the stoic mask fall back on his face once again and completely ignored the comment hoping it would go away. And as if by magic the trembling began, shaking the bottom of his legs once again.

Then without any notice the pup began to move forwards away from the safety of the lad’s pistons. Lycaon watched intently, his mysterious eyes egging the girl forward. Those same eyes once upon at time watched Lycaon himself face his fears. He remembered the days his father would take him away from the pack to teach. The dark eyes he inherited from his teacher, from his hero, from his father. Apollonia waded into the water until it was chest deep, but the lad waited. He said nothing and then, once she had had enough, the pup hurried back to the safe arch, rubbing against the devil’s pistons once more.

Those little emerald orbs were once again thrown onto Lycaon’s form, a smile plastered all over the pup’s kissers. Shaky and stuttering words emptied from her jaws and the brute found himself smiling once again. ”Yes Apollonia. That was very good. In fact it was better than good... It was FANTASTIC. Well done.” For a brief moment the lad thought about bending down and nuzzling the pup in order to assure the fact she had done well, but he pulled back. Although he had grown quite fond of the pup and was being nicer around her, he wasn’t quite ready for overly lovey dovey gestures just yet. That would come later.

For now the concentration was on the girl's fear of the water and getting her over it. She was already partly there, she just had to believe. The giant opened his jaws once more, the harsh tones and grotty words now subdued. "How do you feel now Apollonia?" Hopefully she would be proud of herself and the water would no longer frighten her as much. The only thing Lycaon was absolutely positive about was that it would take time and lots of it.

Lycaon ~ Adult ~ Cold Summers ~ No Mate ~ No Heirs.


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