Many wolves looking for relaxation come to Blossom Field. A gentle breeze vibrating the blossoming flowers is quite a sight to see and it is quite a favourite for wolves to come with their mates.

A recent fire has ruined the scenery, half the field covered with soot and marked with scars of the flames. The other half is untouched, however.


Let my light shine.

The idea of Blaze visiting Saw Tooth, if she ever got the chance, appeared to make the ebony ess very excitable. Her tail swished at the idea and Cai smiled happily. It was nice to see another wolf take so much interest and pleasure in another pack and especially seen as it was Saw Tooth. ’That'd be amazing. It should definitely happen one day.’ The ivory ess nodded her head in agreement at the words. ”I agree, it should.” It would be nice for a friend from outside the pack to come and visit and she was sure that the rest of the pack would be thrilled as well.

Cai was also pretty positive that Moth had only recently acquired an alliance with Bright Moon and other packs and so it would no doubt solidify the bonds between the growing packs. She knew that her own queen was only offering alliances as a safety net for her pack, but the reason for the Alpha of Bright Moon agreeing was unknown. Maybe it was for the same reason as Moth, maybe they could have heard news of a war or maybe there was some underlying problem with another pack that could spark up at any minute. Whatever the reason, it had surely benefited Saw Tooth. The other ess smiled at her words of Blossom Forest and much like Blaze, all of Cai’s best memories were centred around the place she found herself in now. She had found her mate here, made a life for herself and had six beautiful pups.

Then the topic turned to family and mixed emotions ran through the girl. Family had brought much trouble over the years but she had also loved every minute of being a mother. Cai turned once again to look at Blaze who had a smile on her face and had very open body language. It made it really easy to talk to someone who kept themselves open which was exactly the reason Cai was growing to like the girl even more than before. ”Yes I do as a matter of fact. I have two teenage daughters and of course the pack is family enough.” Yes she could have gone on about her mate and the rest of the litter that had disappeared with their father, however she had asked about family within Saw Tooth and they weren’t, well not anymore.

OOC- OMGoshness. Sorry for the extremely short and crappy post. I don’t know what’s wrong with me :O


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