Many wolves looking for relaxation come to Blossom Field. A gentle breeze vibrating the blossoming flowers is quite a sight to see and it is quite a favourite for wolves to come with their mates.

A recent fire has ruined the scenery, half the field covered with soot and marked with scars of the flames. The other half is untouched, however.


Stand Beside Or Step Aside Cai/xhollowremains cont.

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Blaze had something to look forward to now; a future expedition to Saw Tooth perhaps? ”I agree. Having to make an enemy of a wolf like you would be a great pity.” Well, it was nice to know that Cai liked her then. She hadn't screwed up completely yet, something she found to be an absolute blessing. Hopefully she hadn't just jinxed the whole situation, but Blaze had high hopes for a future friendship between the two.

”Tally is my second oldest daughter, and then there is Dib. Dib is the youngest of my brood but is the bravest of all of us. They are about the same age as you I would say.” Curiosity entered the girl's gaze as she considered this. Maybe she'd meet them one day? They sounded nice and hell, Blaze could always do with some more friends. Still, she was nervous. What if they didn't like her? It was possibly; wolves had instantly hated her in the past. But would it hurt to try? The ebony femme wasn't too sure. "They sound amazing!" She chirped, all anxiety wiped from her voice, a well-practised skill she wielded like a shield. "I'd love to meet them one day."

The word around was so vibrant, so tranquil that Blaze nearly missed Cai's next question. ”So made many friends here? I'm sure you've made some in Bright Moon, after all it seems like such a lovely place.” She smiled back in response remembering Misty, Zev and Seoras. They were wonderful. "A few here and there; and yes, definitely in Bright Moon." And possibly...something more than a friend? Blaze wasn't too sure, but the male in question was one of the brightest and bubbliest wolf's she had met so far, and either way she adored him.

"It's a beautiful day." She agreed, her eyes travelling around the field. She liked to do this sometimes; just sit back and watch the world spin around. It was absolutely fascinating, hearing the birds sing and the bee's work away at their tasks, and Blaze couldn't help but feel the steady admiration she always felt for the natural world. Prey ate the grass, wolves ate the prey, yet when wolves died they disappeared into the ground, to feed the grass and continue the cycle. The whole idea of how everything worked intrigued the gentle femme, and she couldn't help but crave the sense of peace that their world gave her. Most the time, anyway.

Turning her attention back to Cai, she had figured it was probably her turn to ask a question, though what she had no idea. "Many friends here, yourself? I imagine you must get on quite well with most wolves."She attempted in her miniature mind blank. She wouldn't push if she didn't want to answer however; it was a fair courtesy to extend to the femme next to her. Still, she found herself curious as to Cai and her life, so the question seemed appropriate enough.

||Blaze||Bright Moon||Mateless||Pupless||3||PixieEclipse||


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