Many wolves looking for relaxation come to Blossom Field. A gentle breeze vibrating the blossoming flowers is quite a sight to see and it is quite a favourite for wolves to come with their mates.

A recent fire has ruined the scenery, half the field covered with soot and marked with scars of the flames. The other half is untouched, however.


The Voices Don't Like You...You'd Better Run EmoHeart<3

Bleeding pads met ground as a dark femme travelled silently across the lands. She was not in a particularly good mood, especially after her little "escapedes" with a male called Darketh in the underground cavern systems had nearly gotten them both killed. Pure stupidity, and if she had gotten killed, well then, she would've deserved it. Still, the furious femme knew this is what she got for trying to be friendly, and abandoning her morale code for even the slightest second. From now on, it'd be her and herself only. Letting anyone else even near was weak.

A small animal -a mammal if she had been paying any attention- had ignorantly scampered across her path, and was instantaneously crushed by those same black paws. Tryst stared at it in disgust, still revelling over the ecstasy that came with any kill. Then, she left it for any other pathetic crawler to feed upon, and fine end to it's ignorance. The thrill had done a little to calm her anger, instead sending her demons begging for more. She could only wish that there was more to crush around, to send their blood down to the depths of the earth. Tryst broke into a run ignoring the pain in her paws.

Naturally, because fate was an absolute bastard, she ended up in one of the most horrid places she could imagine. It was a rather large field, full of flowers and a general cheerful aura. Oh, how it made her want to puke. But still, she needed to stop soon, so she resigned herself to doing it. Easily, the dark femme wove through the various forms of foliage, glaring at any wolf who dared even glance in her direction. Finally, she found a place worth admiring. At one point, this particular area must've been razed to the ground, and their was still evidence of such. Her mind allowed her fantasies of the screams and pleads of the weak who must have been terminated in the event, and a twisted grin contorted her features. Ah, what fun. A shame she hadn't been around to witness it.

Sitting on the very edge of the disgustingly scenic place, she began to examine her wounds. Sharpened fangs removed small stones embedded in the already cracked pads, and the bloody remains were tossed away disdainfully. Unfortunately, Tryst had no knowledge of what herbs and medicines were applied to such wounds, so she left them to heal naturally. Next came the dried out gash on her hind leg, which was cleaned rather roughly. With any luck, the injuries would leave nothing more than some scarring.

Brooding, she glanced out across the land, still radiating fury with every fibre of her being. She hated them; all of them. How dare they look at her like she was the monster? A low snarl rumbled in her chest, before escaping her lips as a warning to all to stay away. Tryst was not in a good mood today, and anyone who wanted to test that would find that their blood would be joining her own, splattered across the flower heads.

OOC: Argh, I apologise it's not as good as the first! >.< Enjoy though.

||Tryst||Female||Teen ||Pupless||Packless||Mateless||PixieEclipse||

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