Many wolves looking for relaxation come to Blossom Field. A gentle breeze vibrating the blossoming flowers is quite a sight to see and it is quite a favourite for wolves to come with their mates.

A recent fire has ruined the scenery, half the field covered with soot and marked with scars of the flames. The other half is untouched, however.


Let my light shine.

OOC- I’m afraid I’m running out of steam on this post and shortly Cai is going to have a reunion with her mate and children. Can we maybe finish this post here?? I would love to get these too together again though. If that’s okay??

‘They sound amazing! I'd love to meet them one day.’ The ivory ess’ tail swayed softly behind her. Blaze hadn’t even met her daughters before yet she had decided that they were ‘amazing’. A smile appeared on the girl’s kissers at the thought of Blaze making friends with her offspring too. ”I’m sure they would love to meet you too.” It was true. Dib and Tally got on with just about everyone and the ebon femme would be no different. They would make her feel welcome Cai was sure. They were much like her in that way.

A smile appeared on the femme’s kissers at the question. Obviously it was a good topic to bring up then and hadn’t caused any trouble for the young lady. ’A few here and there; and yes, definitely in Bright Moon.’ It was good to hear that she was making friends. She was such a lovely wolf and it would be a pity if others missed her sweet and good tempered heart. Either way she would have a friend in Cai no matter what. If she ever needed anything the ivory ess would make sure to lend a paw where she could. ”Good. I’m glad others aren’t missing the opportunity to get to know you better.” She nodded her head gently assuring the ess that the words were sincere.

The vixen agreed with Cai’s statement almost instantly and it was clear from the way that she gazed round the field that she adored nature. Now most wolves did, but some were more in tune to the world around them. Whereas others just used the environment for their own good. Cai waited patiently as the other ess admired the surroundings before Blaze’s icy gaze fell back on her form once again. ”Hm, yes. Many of them within Saw Tooth, however there are a few from outside the pack. Not as many as I would like though. I’m always up for making new friends. Better to have more friends than enemies don’t you think?” It was a simple question that ended her sentence. They always said, keep your friends close but your enemies closer, but what was the point in having enemies when you had no friends to help you fight them? She had found a friend in that of her Alphess Moth, in fact they had grown rather close. They had each helped the other with a rather difficult birthing and the queen had helped Cai through a rough patch even before she really knew her. Channing and Mae also made rather remarkable friends. And then there was Sadakah. She had disappeared many moons ago, but she always held a special place in the girl’s heart.


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