Many wolves looking for relaxation come to Blossom Field. A gentle breeze vibrating the blossoming flowers is quite a sight to see and it is quite a favourite for wolves to come with their mates.

A recent fire has ruined the scenery, half the field covered with soot and marked with scars of the flames. The other half is untouched, however.


The Voices Don't Like You...You'd Better Run


Licking her wounds once more, Tryst had gone back to silent brooding. Why was it always her. Whywhywhywhy. The thoughts were choking her, a deathly grip on her throat, sending her demons screaming away. This was pathetic. She was pathetic. Harder. She need to work harder. Breathe. Yes, that was a good start. Breaking away from the swirling chaos of her mind she took a deep breath in, suddenly picking up a foreign scent.

In a flash, the slender young femme had spun around, ears flattened against her skull and teeth bared threateningly. The intruder in question was a dark male, around her age roughly, with those damn infuriating eyes. How she hated the way the blue looked so calm. What the hell had he done to earn such...such tranquillity? A warning growl rumbled in her throat once more as she slipped into an aggressive stance, dark banner flicking out behind her. Her matching dark eyes goaded him into provoking her, giving her a reason to attack.

"Who the fuck are you?" She demanded sharply, dark pools boring into him. Ok, not the politest approach, but then again, he had picked the wrong wolf to try and build some magical friendship with. She didn't have friends, and he better learn it fast. Hopefully, between her speech, body language and rather macabre look, he'd back off pretty quick. If not, then she'd rake her claws down his pretty boy face. Even the stupidest wolf understood that language.

||Tryst||Female||Teen ||Pupless||Packless||Mateless||PixieEclipse||

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