Many wolves looking for relaxation come to Blossom Field. A gentle breeze vibrating the blossoming flowers is quite a sight to see and it is quite a favourite for wolves to come with their mates.

A recent fire has ruined the scenery, half the field covered with soot and marked with scars of the flames. The other half is untouched, however.


Stand Beside Or Step Aside{Thread Conclusion}

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”I'm sure they would love to meet you too.” She was appropriately excited now; there was much promise for the future. At some point, she'd have to find Tamlin and ask him about a visit to Saw Tooth. Hopefully the regal could be persuaded to go along with the idea, as Blaze knew from this conversation alone she wouldn't be in any danger. Still, it was polite to ask first.

She beamed as the next words left the feya's mouth. ”Good. I'm glad others aren't missing the opportunity to get to know you better.” Well then, Blaze would go right on ahead and take that as a compliment. Her self-esteem always needed boosting, though it was slowly improving with time and care. This conversation with Cai had definitely helped, and Blaze was more than happy to make some friends outside of her little family as well.

”Hm, yes. Many of them within Saw Tooth, however there are a few from outside the pack. Not as many as I would like though. I'm always up for making new friends. Better to have more friends than enemies don’t you think?” She nodded her approval; enemies were not something the ebony femme particularly desired. She was always on the look out for potential friends, as well as people who she could help make feel even the slightest bit better. She hoped sincerely that Cai was feeling far better than she had originally seemed when they first met; it broke her heart to think of the older ess as worn down and emotionally tired. She'd be there if Cai needed it, that much was certain.

Unfortunately, it had become that time of day, and Blaze knew she really should be off, back to patrolling and hunting down Seoras. Standing up and shaking off her pelt gently, she offered the other ess a warm smile. "It was lovely to meet you Cai, but I fear I must be off. However, if you ever need me, you know where I am. I hope to see you around again sometime." She let the warm words slip from between her kissers, awaiting the other ess's words before departing on her own path. Once the other had finished, Blaze would disappear on the path back to Bright Moon, ebony pelt disappearing into the foliage.

OOC: I'd love for them to get together again sometime ^^ It's fine, this is my little conclusion <3

||Blaze||Bright Moon||Mateless||Pupless||3||PixieEclipse||

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