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Heartless HTML

coldest story ever told
                The voice behind him let him know that another came their way, a male by the sounds of the voice, and he found himself curious about the wolf who would show such courtesy. It is not often that one finds a wolf with enough manners to present himself so as not to startle, and Heartless finds himself intrigued with this. His white eyes move, head tilting to look where his ears told him the male would be coming from, noting with something of a shock at the slight build of the male who approaches. He smiles kindly at the offered words and inclines his cranium to the other male. It is good to know that there are still wolves who uphold some sort of social decorum. "A pleasure to meet you, Tesseract and Fathom. And if we three are here, we must be brave wolves then." He smiles at the pair before him, letting them know it is a joking compliment he spills at them. How odd to have such easy company within the confined spaces, how...comforting to Heartless to know he is not the only wolf drawn into the dark closed spaces.

                Fathom inquires then, her voice bringing another smile to the salt and pepper male's face, his white eyes lighting up. ”Well, I am new to the lands, and exploring. I figured it was best to acquaint myself with the lands..” His smile takes on a pleasant trait, and he gives his tail a slight wave. "What about you, Tesseract? What brings you here?" Heartless finds himself relaxing more and more around the pair, and lowers his haunches into a sitting position. He keeps a rather regal air about him, but it is subdued with humility and morality. He tries his best not to keep his gaze shifting between them too much, and it is a rather difficult task. When talking to more than one wolf it was a little off-putting to him, he never knew which too look at. Now, however, Heartless finds that he simply wishes for easy conversation. Maybe once everyone cozies up a bit, then the more relaxed conversations can start.

You like this color dont you?

[ Male ] [ Eight ] [ None claims his heart ] [ Rogue is fastened to his soul ]
[ None carry his legacy ] [ He wanders no land ]

template credit goes to tillie at caution and sds

in the night i hear 'em talk ,


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