Many wolves looking for relaxation come to Blossom Field. A gentle breeze vibrating the blossoming flowers is quite a sight to see and it is quite a favourite for wolves to come with their mates.

A recent fire has ruined the scenery, half the field covered with soot and marked with scars of the flames. The other half is untouched, however.


Without risk there is no reward(please read and reply. open to anyone)

I walk along the burnt field, the soot showing all to clearly on my white fur. I roll around in it, trying to hide the snowy color. Maybe this place would be different. Maybe I could find a home here. No matter what, it will be better than the last. I bow my head so that no one will see my eyes and take a deep breath. I feel strange, like I'm on the border of my old life and a possible new one. I will miss my pack, my brother, and the packs ways, but I can't go back to the fear. I hope I am not mothered by the faes nor adopted. My past would show too much. Besides, a life of solidarity suits me. You could say I'm a flight risk so I want to have less attachment I might have to break. Not that many wolves will like be. Thats the way I want to be known. Cold, hard, unforgiving, untrusting. Someday, if I get more comfortable that might change. It all depends on trust. I've learned my lesson on trust and I wont make the same mistake twice. I may just be 6 months old, but I'm smart. And even I know that there is without risk there is no reward. This is my risk. I step into the bordering field quietly and take in my surroundings, still hiding my eyes. I see other pups playing and a couple mates. A few lone wolves meandering calmly through the field. It seems so peaceful, but after being alone for a few weeks it seems crowded. Keeping my head down, I walk farther into the field. Maybe, just maybe, this could be my reward too.


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