Many wolves looking for relaxation come to Blossom Field. A gentle breeze vibrating the blossoming flowers is quite a sight to see and it is quite a favourite for wolves to come with their mates.

A recent fire has ruined the scenery, half the field covered with soot and marked with scars of the flames. The other half is untouched, however.


take apart your soul.[Artiemes & Boogie Wolf]

Time had not slipped away from her. Time had been mercilessly stolen from her. She had had no choice. It was abandon her home- or watch every last one of them die. Llorana could not allow the latter to become reality. Merely thinking of the circumstance brought an uncharacteristic snarl tearing through the pale ladies vocal chords. But, then again- it was uncharacteristic of Llorana before. Before, when she had been Zeta of the fiercest pack in all of Blossom Forest. Before, when she had had a bestfriend named Nikandros. Before, when she had been reserved, quiet, calculating. Now, the old Llorana wasn't entirely gone- no. Just most of her. What remained was something of a savage nature- pure, primal instinct, laced with the wise wolf she once had been. Her decisions were now raw, brash- spurs of the moment. But that is not to say she was any less intelligent, or any less quick witted. No. If anything, the change in the alabaster wolf had enhanced her skill, had inhanced her deadly flavour. She no longer made decisions that would be most logical and precise. Instead- she went with what her gut told her. After all, it had been her calculating mind that had gotten her into the mess that forced her from home for more than a year.

They had come in the night, when most of Malignant was resting. Llorana had been the dutiful wolf she was, patrolling the borders and keeping watch for any strangers approaching. And yet when more than a dozen strange wolves approached- her first instinct was to find others of her pack. But going against her first urge, and thinking of the situation instead- she had crossed the border of the pack to meet the incoming strangers head on. It was the most fatal mistake of her life. She had in mind to speak with them- to ask what they wanted and if there could be an agreement arranged if they wanted something worth while. They had no intention of speaking. Before she knew it, thirteen wolves had her completely surrounded. They were foreigners- not only to Malignant, but to Blossom Forest as well. They did not belong, and they knew it- and now Llorana knew it as well. Just as she knew they didn't want to talk to her. Many things happened that night. Most of them happened to the pale girl, and they are unspeakable. To even think of them, or consider them brings rage and a certain blood thirst to the old Zeta. Neither had ever been present before, but during the past fifteen months, they were something close to allies to her mind. Revenge was something she craved, and she knew she could not do it alone.

But when she had gone to Malignant- no one had come. No one had greeted her on the border. No one had been seen. Their scents were there, faint and stale as they were- but they were there nonetheless. And none had come. Perhaps before it would not have bothered her- but now, it enraged her. It set her blood racing, and made her want to tear something apart. And perhaps that was how she now found herself on the outskirts of a dead yet living field of wildflowers. Colours of all sorts lay out before her, as did scents, but her focus was on the coyote rummaging through the dead plants up ahead. Sapphire irises hone in on muscles, on fur, limbs. Her own slender yet firm muscles beneath snow fur contract and tense. Now is her moment. With speed unparalleled to most, her slender form bursts from the thicket and overcomes the coyote. Slender jaws part only to slam around a slim neck, the power and pressure beneath such a bite serrating flesh with canines and severing tendons. A snarl tears through her chest, so unlike the wolf she once had been, as she shakes the now almost lifeless canine form. It was struggling only slightly, as blood gushed from it's now half severed neck. Parting her crimson stained jaws, she languidly dragged her tongue across her lower jaw, her deep azure gaze looking intently upon her victim. It lay on the ground before it, life seeping out of it ever so slowly. She was content to watch. She was content to observe. The old Llorana would have never done so. But this new Llorana, with the same alabaster coat, the same deep sapphire eyes was unlike the old. She was impulsive. Sadistic. A killer.
Adult | Female | of Malignant | Alabaster coat | Sapphire eyes


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