Many wolves looking for relaxation come to Blossom Field. A gentle breeze vibrating the blossoming flowers is quite a sight to see and it is quite a favourite for wolves to come with their mates.

A recent fire has ruined the scenery, half the field covered with soot and marked with scars of the flames. The other half is untouched, however.


Don't listen to a word I say

The light chesnut brown brute blushed as he trotted next to a beautiful sandy blonde vixen. Jayce had an utmost crush on the lass. She looked back with those twinkling ocean blue eyes and smiled deviously. Come on, Jayce, we've been friends long enough where I think you STILL can't catch me! And then she shot off into the colorful array of flowers given to them by mother nature. He sighed, watching her speed off. She was faster than the wind, at least in his eyes. She's way out of my league. I'll never get her.

Mallory didn't feel the same to Jayce. He was her best friend, but there was no romantic things. Yes, they were always finishing eachothers sentences and such, they were a devil pair, but she couldn't see what there was to love in him.

As she sped off, Mallory heard the sound of an injured wolf. Great. She thought. I suppose those medical skills will come in handy now. Where is he? As in, the injured wolf. We... well I at least... can help. She waited for a reply.


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