Many wolves looking for relaxation come to Blossom Field. A gentle breeze vibrating the blossoming flowers is quite a sight to see and it is quite a favourite for wolves to come with their mates.

A recent fire has ruined the scenery, half the field covered with soot and marked with scars of the flames. The other half is untouched, however.


Honor&Integrity{Sethi!/German Bois!}

Bravery, courage, honor, and integrity; they all had something in common. Their meanings were taught to the young of Ikewee Pack. Be brave in the heat of battle, do not fear the enemy! Be courageous and cross the Tallahiki Mountains. Be honorable, do not curse the dead of your enemy but understand they mourn for their loved ones as you for yours. Have integrity and do not corrupt under the pressure of power; lead with a strong, firm belief as the Alpha or Alphess before you. Those lines were drilled into the feas head from the day she could walk; they were never forgotten and never would be. She shook her head to clear her thoughts but it was to no avail; she smiled and laughed almost devilishly. Tundra born and raised, silent, deadly, and ready.

Keena shook out her fur, the white had become a dusty brown but the reds and grey still outlined her figure; she needed to rinse out, the dust needed to go and reveal the glistening snow beneath. Her trip had taken weeks and she was finally here. Blossom Forest was more than she could hope for, even more that her son could roam around and explore, now that the lad was a teen and able bodied. She smiled, Muse was her replica but with brown to replace the red. He had disappeared awhile ago his scent was masked by the many others who passed through. She wanted to see him again someday but he needed time to be alone and become himself. The thought of his company made her yearn for the retinue of another wolf. Her heart already had a big hole, her mate was dead. He died a warriors death but that didn’t the impact any less. Reality could not be changed and it hurt like a Mother F****r. She didn’t know if she could replace him, but that was for another time.

Keena sneezed as she breathed in the ash, What the… She shook her head and realized she was standing in the ashes of a fire. Though it was not of recent times the ash was the scar and would never be fully erased. She stopped and closed her eyes to remember the wolves who may have lost their lives. She may be a killer but she still had dignity and honor for the fallen. She raised her head and whispered her blessing to the land; to anyone it would have sounded like the chant of a spiritual healer. She slowly made her way from the ash and her once dusty coat was now ash grey. The grey highlights were lost, but the red stood out even more. She shook most of it out but she still remained coated in cinders. She walked through the flowers and grass towards a shaded spot; if anyone wanted her company it would be on their move. Her chess piece was in place now it was her opponents turn to choose.


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