Many wolves looking for relaxation come to Blossom Field. A gentle breeze vibrating the blossoming flowers is quite a sight to see and it is quite a favourite for wolves to come with their mates.

A recent fire has ruined the scenery, half the field covered with soot and marked with scars of the flames. The other half is untouched, however.



Her once snowy coat was now dulled with the ash of the land, the fea felt weighted by the ash of the fire. She finished her blessing, though it meant nothing to most. She was silent listening for any sounds of nearby creatures or attackers; there was suddenly a whispered language that she could not decipher and a growl that followed suit. She paused and looked around but there was one to be seen, but definitely heard. Keena surveyed the land again but still no signs of a living creature. Hello? Is there someone there?, Keena stopped but there was no answer, was she imagining things? She did have a history… after her mates death, but that was years ago.

Keena finished her walk towards the shaded area but after a while the sun chased the shade away. Laying in the sun didn’t do her any good so she took the chance to explore a little more. Maybe the thing was still there! She retraced her steps back to her former position and stopped to listen again. There was no sound from anywhere but she thought it had come from her side; Keena looked towards the edge of the field and trotted forwards. Is there anyone there?, still no answer. Well this was useless! Keena turned around and walked back. Her paw prints made fresh marks which reminded her of the snow back home.

It was wintry day in the Tundra, but it always was. Today was particularly cold and white, there was fresh snow covering the ice layer! Keena was only a pup then but it was the first snow since the death of their previous Alpha, Muun. All the pups where out playing in the snow, romping around and rough housing each other. The femme had wondered off with her friend, they wanted to explore the outer rims of the territory. The laughed as they told horror stories used to scare the pups from wandering away,
Keena: Those stories are total LIES! *laughs*
Ambrea: Well, Mic claims he saw the ghost of Sinners Death! Do you think he did?
Keena: Really Ambrea! You would believe anything that came out of Mic’s mouth? That’s total—
Their chatter suddenly stopped, there was a growl behind them. Keena and Ambrea tuck their tails, “We didn’t mean to wander off so far! We are really sorry!” There was no reply to their pleas only a steady breathing. They turned their heads to see what stood behind them. They both tried to scream but nothing came from their mouths. The former Alpha was standing behind them; the pups fell to the ground.

Keena opened her eyes expecting the Alpha to be there but there was only ash extending beyond her. She sighed she was the only one who made it back to the camp, Ambrea was never found… Keena let her head droop down as she thought about her friend. She had taught her how to draw in the ice with her claws. Keena smiled and started to dram random figures in the ash. The growl and mysterious language forgotten in the moment.

{ooc:sorry that took so long... running kept me busy. The Italic part is a memory. :) }


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