Many wolves looking for relaxation come to Blossom Field. A gentle breeze vibrating the blossoming flowers is quite a sight to see and it is quite a favourite for wolves to come with their mates.

A recent fire has ruined the scenery, half the field covered with soot and marked with scars of the flames. The other half is untouched, however.



(Gilbert's POV)

The awesome albino was just going bout his awesome business, as was well... unawesomely boring actually.

He hadn't seen his brother in what seemed like forever, and he knew well that he could never be part of a pack again (there were unawesome reasons for that too...) so he was always alone. Alone, but freakishly awesome and well aware of it.

Shaking his head slightly, he looked around. He'd somehow made his way to the field that he'd always thought was much like himself. It wasn't as awesome of course, but it was partially burned and dead, but remembered fondly by those who actually knew what it was like before the fire. The other part was perfect, showing all the greatness that the field could amount up to, but only hid the scars from sight if you looked at it certain ways.

Fortunately for his awesome self, that certain way was how he let most of the world see him.

it was only his brother, Ludwig, who knew who he really was, and that the whole "Awesome" personality he'd set himself up with was completely fake.

He sighed, before his classic grin spread across his face once again and he glanced around, looking for any sights of his brother. The Albino nearly laughed at himself for the outrageous idea that he'd actually be around here, but he was glad he did. He hadn't seen his brother, but the white fae standing alone in the middle of the field had definitely caught his eye...

"Oi! Guten tag, Frau!"

(Ludwig's POV)

The younger of the Germans still had his eyes trained on the blatant oddness of the white fae. Especially how she was able to stir up so many memories, and he hadn't even spoken a word to her.

He moved cautiously, silently and ever so slightly closer to the edge of the woods. His mind was racing; questions about how to enter the area, how to act around her and a billion others swirling around as he methodically answered them in the order they were stated.

He was also focusing on remaining as unheard as possible, since she seemed to have forgotten about the minor noise he made earlier for the moment.


The blond winced at the sound of a stick reaking, then looked down, blinking a few times once he noticed that he wasn't the one being careless. But then his intense orbs were right back on the fae, who had turned towards towards the noise which had been somewhere off to his left.

He could feel his jaw drop when he saw who emerged from the trees.

"B-bruder...?" He stuttered in shock, but kept his voice low. The pristine white coat and devious, blood red eyes glittering over as conceited a grin as there ever was gave him away. But what in Gott's name was he doing here?

OOC: So sorry for the wait... this may get edited slightly if it makes absolutely no sense...


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