Many wolves looking for relaxation come to Blossom Field. A gentle breeze vibrating the blossoming flowers is quite a sight to see and it is quite a favourite for wolves to come with their mates.

A recent fire has ruined the scenery, half the field covered with soot and marked with scars of the flames. The other half is untouched, however.


Falling in the BLACK


Blackness, emptiness, and no hope; that’s what filled the fea’s mind. Her son gone, disappeared into thin air, her mate dead, and she left to herself. This was not an enjoyable existence she could only hope for someone to come along… The strange noise earlier had sounded like a wolf growling but it was too faint. Her mind was playing tricks on her. It was hard trying to live with the fact that you may hallucinate to create other wolves. There was reason to join a pack but she didn’t feel like she’d fit in, she’d left her home for that reason!

Keena sat starring at the aimless lines and shapes she had drawn in the ash. She turned around looking back to where she had come from; she retraced her steps back to the edge of the field where she saw the tree line. It wasn’t far if she wanted to leave but she liked it here in the open field.

Just as Keena started to draw she heard a voice calling out to her, "Oi! Guten tag, Frau!" Keena cocked her head she knew very little of the German language, but as a loner for so many years she had picked up on different languages. She turned around and stood to look for the owner of the voice. The brute was easy to find as he confidently strode across the field. His pristine white fur shone in the afternoon light and his eyes glittered, red? She had never seen as his before; they were interesting. Keena started to size him up; confident and kind or selfish/ definitely conceited. Brujos could be so interesting and rude, and yet her sex still managed to find them attractive and mate with them. She shook her head, it was time for confrontation.

Hello stranger. You are German?Her question was meant more as a statement.


Word Count: 317
OOC: {lol! it's fine. My post's feel so short compared to yours cause you have two characters! XD}

Keena | Mother to one son | Widow | No Pack | Adult| Ka!e

"Listen to my tale," she chides...


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