Many wolves looking for relaxation come to Blossom Field. A gentle breeze vibrating the blossoming flowers is quite a sight to see and it is quite a favourite for wolves to come with their mates.

A recent fire has ruined the scenery, half the field covered with soot and marked with scars of the flames. The other half is untouched, however.




(Gilbert's POV)

The albino's grin faltered slightly at the fae's accent, feeling momentarily overwhelmed by the memory of a war on a pack of ice wolves like her. It was the only time he'd ever been so badly beaten in his life, but luckily Ludwig had been there to take control and carry his half-dead form during retreat. His eyes dulled as he slipped back into himself to block out the pain of the scars that flared at the memory. But he wasn't that person anymore, he had no pack and no wars to fight. Verdammt, he didn't even have his brother anymore.

So he had to be Awesome.

The practiced, 'awesome' self came right back, and he made his way up right beside the fae, so the tips of his fur barely brushed her. He'd gotten rather good at this move over the last year or so and he knew it was tantalizing.

"Ja. Awesomely so." He turned his head to look the other in the eye, and winked. "There aren't nearly enough of us awesome Germans left, because they all end up like mein bruder. And believe me, West has got a stick up his ass."

He rolled his eyes for dramatic effect, but huffed slightly sarcastically when he heard a rustle and a bout of irritated grumbling from behind him.

But it didn't occur to the albino for another moment or two that his brother wasn't actually there. He flashed a questioning look towards the woods behind him. Seeing nothing, not that he expected anything differently, he blinked a couple times before mumbling to himself. "Das kann nicht gut sein. Warum höre ich Ludwig?"

Turning quickly back to the fae, he smirked and tried not to laugh at himself. "SO sorry, Frau. I'm Gilbert, by the way. Gilbert Beilshmidt, at your service. "

(Ludwig's POV)

The blond felt a slight illness in the pit of his stomach as he watched his brother's advances. And of course he spoke so the whole field could hear, so of course certain comments didn't escape his notice. But the younger brute was used to that by now, just the fact that it was one of the things his brother said without any knowledge of him even being there peeved him slightly.

And it just so happens that when he is peeved, he growls to himself in German.

Which Gilbert's reaction to was priceless, but not nearly worth it.

He took another few steps towards the edge of the woods. Surely he'd be seen now if they cared to look, but he wasn't going to barge in on their conversation.

OOC: grr... I really need Ludwig to do something. As you can see, his part kinda died. Hope you enjoy talking to Gil!


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