Many wolves looking for relaxation come to Blossom Field. A gentle breeze vibrating the blossoming flowers is quite a sight to see and it is quite a favourite for wolves to come with their mates.

A recent fire has ruined the scenery, half the field covered with soot and marked with scars of the flames. The other half is untouched, however.


Falling into the Black


Keena watched as the stranger came closer, his confident look had fallen away. The brute looked alone, broken; she looked at herself was she doing something but when she looked back he was back to normal like it had never happened. She cocked her head to the side, had she said something?

Just as she readied herself to speak again the male brushed up against her, she shivered under his touch. It had been so long since she had had contact with another male. It brought back memories that darkened her mood. Her eyes closed as she pushed the thoughts away, he is gone! Forget him! Keena opened her eyes as the male’s pelt removed from hers. She shivered one last time and looked back at him as he circled her. He lyrics filled her head, his accent thick, "Ja. Awesomely so." his face turned to look from a different angle as he winked at her. She giggled like a school girl, "There aren't nearly enough of us awesome Germans left, because they all end up like mein bruder. And believe me, West has got a stick up his ass." This got a laugh from Keena , Is that so. Well then I’m glad I got to meet you instead but maybe I should find your brother and cure him of that stick in his ass. Keena winked at him. The brujo had a good sense of humor.

His added huff and grump was even funnier but he suddenly heard a noise, a low growling. It sounded like the noise she had heard ealier! She padded over to the where the brute had went to look, "Das kann nicht gut sein. Warum höre ich Ludwig?" Keena looked at him with a questioning look but the brute hadn’t seen much and so they continued on with their conversation. He introduced himself as Gilbert and Keena allowed for a bow, I am Keena. Nice to meet you Gilbert!

Keena looked back over at the bushes, there was obviously something there and she wanted to know what it was. Keena stalked over to the bush, she didn’t figure it didn’t much for her. She jumped up and charged the bushes hoping that whatever had hidden themselves there would come out. She wanted to know who or what it was. COME OUT! NOW! She hoped that would help.


Word Count:401

Keena | Mother to one son | Widow | No Pack | Adult| Ka!e

"Listen to my tale," she chides...


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