Many wolves looking for relaxation come to Blossom Field. A gentle breeze vibrating the blossoming flowers is quite a sight to see and it is quite a favourite for wolves to come with their mates.

A recent fire has ruined the scenery, half the field covered with soot and marked with scars of the flames. The other half is untouched, however.




(Gilbert's POV)

Gil was still smirking slightly from when she'd shivered at the faintest of his awesome touches. But he proceeded cautiously after she closed her eyes, and a slight look of pain crossing her face. The brute was of course familiar with memories that killed you slowly from the inside out. But nothing was quite as good at that as knowing you we're a homicidal bastard with a lump of coal filled with a lust for blood instead of a heart.

He'd never really had anything other than the organ that pumps his blood for survival in his chest, but well, genuine feelings weren't that important.

But of course he had to continue their conversation, and quickly came up with some awesome bull to pass the time. The German knew well how well he could lie, nevermind make up something on the spot, so the fact that the pearly white fae laughed and responded the way she did wasn't unexpected. But of course he was paying attention to neither, because he swore he heard his brother.

Not many wolves could cuss him out by name in German in these parts, so that wasn't all that hard to figure out.

But no one was there, and he nearly heard a dark chuckle as he muttered that he was hearing things. So once again he was left to converse with the femme, and he stared deep into her eyes as he introduced himself. Gilbert's devious nature shone in the swirling bloody red pools as she introduced herself. "I am Keena. Nice to meet you Gilbert!" He grinned again, awesome and slight amounts of mystique forming a thin aura around him. "Pleasure is all mine, Frau. Kesesesese~" The albino's voice dripped sarcasm, but the laughter that followed lightened the statement well. He'd been told that he had a strange, quirky laugh, but he honestly could care less.

That's when their attention was turned back to the bushes. So he hadn't been hearing things... A flash of blond fur between the leaves told him exactly who it was too. "COME OUT! NOW!" were the commands that escaped Keena's mouth, and the German laughed quietly to himself. He set a paw on top of hers and pressed it slightly into the ground to gain her attention. "Don't hurt yourself, Liebe. Let me."

Gil then took a step towards the edge of the field, a drastic change occurring simulatiniously. He straightened up, muscles become tense and angular while his fur bristled slightly. Bright red orbs darkened, becoming brutal and authoritative. The kind of eye that are seen on the beast in you nightmares. "Herr Ludwig Beilschmidt, mein Bruder, hierher zu kommen." A silky smooth, lost serpentine voice passed from his lips. Eerie suave-ness filling in all the raspy holes of his "awesome" versions voice. And when he was met with silence, it snarled slightly and even the bushes themselves seemed to recoil from the deadly glare that stared through them to the wolf they contained.

"DAS IST EIN BAFEHL!" he finally snapped, licking his lips darkly. There was a faint rustle could hear his brother come forward obediently. Horror struck the brute like a blow to the head. Dizziness clouded his mind for a moment as he came down from the Rush of his past ways. What was he? How had he ever changed?

Gil's smile slid slowly back up the sides of his maw as he loosened back up. He then then sat down with his normal, awesome self back in position and curled his tail over his feet before turning back to Keena and nodding to the patch of grass next to him, silently asking her to join him before Ludwig emerged.

(Ludwig's POV)

It was clear that the younger German's brother really wasn't paying close attention to the fae he was with, but that was his strange way of staying hard to get. And the blond had seen this way too many times to not grumble to himself about how much he hated the easy way his brother was around others, despite his past. Ludwig knew how well how the albino was still slowly dying from self inflicted wounds and how he acted when flashes of past battles flashed before his bloodstained eyes.

But he had suddenly grown a new self around that pain, one that was flirtatious and tempting, but youthful and, in his own "awesome" way, badass. The blond however was battle hardened despite less fighting, and was incredibly awkward around people, now knowing what he and Gilbert were capable of.

And that is why he was so afraid of being slaughtered as soon as the old, bloodthirsty General Beilschmidt came back to request him at his side. A lump thickening in the Blond's throat, denied him the ability to respond and he was temporarily frozen, unsure of what to do.

(That's an order)

The huge brute blinked his intense blue eyes once or twice before immediately heading out of the bushes. That was a tone that meant certain death if it wasn't obeyed.

The sunlight shone nicely on his golden coat and glinted in his crystal orbs. The sight of his brother there in the flesh had softened them and he sighed, tensity running from his tight and bulging muscles. He was a warrior finally coming back home to what was left of his family, a war-torn brother who had be split into two parts after years of corruptive power. And there he sat before him, eyes shining victoriously and an infuriatingly awesome grin.

He bowed his head in greeting and closed his eyes gently. "Mein Bruder... Guten tag." The younger of the two paid as much respect as possible to the elder German, knowing how long it took him to cool down after he went into his Alpha mode...


The nickname caught Ludwig off guard, and suddenly he was tackled by a ball of muscle and white fur. Though Gilbert was older and smaller, he still knew how to easily take another wolf down. They rolled a bit as the brothers wrestled, but it was quickly settled as the elder brother eventually pinned the other on his back. Blue eyes stared up into red ones and vice versa, both laughing at each other for the first time in years.

"That was unfair. You gave me no warning and you held upper ground."

"The ground is flat here, dummkopf. Good to know that you'll never be awesome enough to take me down." Ludwig rolled his eyes while his brother smirked down at him. But he quickly jumped off and waited for the younger to start to get his footing again. "Come on, Bruder! You need to come meet Keena!"

(Gilbert's POV)

The albino trotted back towards the fae, somehow even more egotistical and self confident than before. Plopping down beside her, he felt their fur cross and meld together into a mass of white between them and smirked a bit wider. "Sorry for sprinting off so abruptly... West and I haven't seen each other for some time. There were scores that needed settling, so we settled them. And be careful around this one, he is the possessor of a certain stick we already discussed. Kesese~

OOC: YAY! You get a long post for having to wait so long...
Just tell me if you'd want translations of the German...


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